Programming Languages PL research is broader than designing and implementing new languages.To me,a PL researcher is someone who views the programming language as having a central place in solving computing problems.From this vantage point,PL researchers tend to focus on developing general abstractions,or building blocks,for solving problems,or classes of problems.PL research also considers software behavior in a rigorous and general way, e.g.,to prove that (classes of)programs enjoy properties we want,and/or eschew properties we don't.This approach has proven to be very valuable for solving a wide ranging set of problems. Mike Hick's blog post: What is PL research and how is it useful?-The PL Enthusiast Languages What is PL research and how is it useful? - The PL Enthusiast Mike Hick’s blog post: PL research is broader than designing and implementing new languages. To me, a PL researcher is someone who views the programming language as having a central place in solving computing problems. From this vantage point, PL researchers tend to focus on developing general abstractions, or building blocks, for solving problems, or classes of problems. PL research also considers software behavior in a rigorous and general way, e.g., to prove that (classes of) programs enjoy properties we want, and/or eschew properties we don’t. This approach has proven to be very valuable for solving a wide ranging set of problems.