A Special Case: Single Prefix Path in FP-tree Suppose a(conditional) Fp-tree t has a shared single prefix-path P Mining can be decomposed into two parts 1 Reduction of the single prefix path into one node arnI Concatenation of the mining results of the two 2.n2 parts b,: m, CkI a1:1 b a,n2 2 C2k2G3次3 a3.n C2: k2 C3: K3 February 4, 2021 Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques 32February 4, 2021 Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques 32 A Special Case: Single Prefix Path in FP-tree ◼ Suppose a (conditional) FP-tree T has a shared single prefix-path P ◼ Mining can be decomposed into two parts ◼ Reduction of the single prefix path into one node ◼ Concatenation of the mining results of the two parts  a2 :n2 a3 :n3 a1 :n1 {} b1 :m1 C1 :k1 C2 :k2 C3 :k3 b1 :m1 C1 :k1 C2 :k2 C3 :k3 r1 + a2 :n2 a3 :n3 a1 :n1 {} r1 =
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