Progressive Framework index:0123456 o Extends Nodes(no, 0) Top3-Query: Esrajit To: (no o)(n, 1) 1:(no1)(n10)(n210) (S15] 6 11 (n211)21 a[1,1]e[2,2] J-th character of Q2习“3 1i34 (n, n)i-th node of trie; 4: 13 a 18 25 10 Tx node and char with ed=x 19 26 D:1 D:2|D3D:4 D:5 D:6 2/2/2021 Topk Search(@ ICD E2013Progressive Framework  Extends Nodes (n0 , 0) Top3-Query: ε s r a j i t T0 : (n0 0) (n1 1) 2/2/2021 TopkSearch @ ICDE2013 24/42 (ni j) Tx: node and char with ED=x i-th node of trie; j-th character of Q index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 T1 : (n0 1) (n1 0) (n21 0) (n21 1) (n1 1)
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