Teaching Plan Name Zhang Yu-fei Academic Year 2013-2013 Term 2 Date 2013.03.27 Period 5-7 Textbook COMPUTER NETWORK 10计算机科学与技术本科 Content Chapter2应用层 3 Objectives 了解Socket编程方法,熟悉TCP API编程:掌握DNS提供的服务类型。 Key points How DNS Works Poin to Socket Programming with TCP Content for self sudy htpwdthp/wwrf-edit/fe35.xt Teaching equipment Multimedia Related knowledge VC+6.0 Teaching methds 启发式、讨论式教学 复习上次课FTP、SMTP等重要内容 5分钟 2,5DNS-The Intemet's Directory Service(DNS:因特网的目录最务) 10分钟 2.5.1 Services Provided by DNS Transation host-names to IPddresses Host altasing Mail server aliasing Load distribution 2.52 Overview of How DNS Works 20分钟 No server has all name-to-IP address mappings Host DNS query first goes to local name server root name server authoritative name server for a host:stores that host's IP address,name can perfor name/address transation for that host name recursive query: iterated query: 2.5.3 DNS Records 15分钟 RR fommat:(name,value,type.tl) 2.54 DNS Mess 15分钟 query and repy messages,both with same message fomat (重点讲解DNS工作流程,DNS Message Format;用讨论式教学方式教学。12 Teaching Plan Name Zhang Yu-fei Academic Year 2013-2013 Term 2 Date 2013.03.27 Period 5-7 Textbook COMPUTER NETWORK Specialty and Stratification 10 计算机科学与技术 本科 Content Chapter 2 应用层 Teaching hours 3 Objectives 了解 Socket 编程方法,熟悉 TCP API 编程;掌握 DNS 提供的服务类型。 Key points How DNS Works Points difficult to understand Socket Programming with TCP Content for self study http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1034.txt http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rf c1035.txt Teaching equipment Multimedia Related knowledge VC++6.0 Teaching methods 启发式、讨论式教学 Outlines, requirements and time allocation 复习上次课 FTP、SMTP 等重要内容 2.5 DNS-The Internet’s Directory Service(DNS:因特网的目录服务) 2.5.1 Services Provided by DNS Translation host-names to IP addresses Host aliasing Mail server aliasing Load distribution 2.5.2 Overview of How DNS Works No server has all name-to-IP address mappings local name servers: Each ISP, company has local (default) name server Host DNS query first goes to local name server Root name server Authoritative name server: for a host: stores that host’s IP address, name can perform name/address translation for that host’s name recursive query: iterated query: 2.5.3 DNS Records RR format: (name, value, type,ttl) 2.5.4 DNS Message query and repy messages, both with same message format (重点讲解 DNS 工作流程,DNS Message Format;用讨论式教学方式教学。) 5 分钟 10 分钟 20 分钟 15 分钟 15 分钟
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