1987 Constructing Institutions Chains:Causal Models of Policy Reasoning in in America:The View From the Top.Cam- Mass Publics.Stanford.Typescript. bridge,MA:Harvard University Press. Stimson,James A.1986.The Process of Perception Wildavsky,Aaron.1985a.Idolatry and"The Poor." of Party Issue Position:A Longitudinal and Catholicism in Crisis 3:42-44. Regional Perspective.Paper presented at the Wildavsky,Aaron.1985b.A World of Difference: annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science The Public Philosophies and Political Behaviors Association,Chicago. of Rival American Cultures.University of Cali- Sussman,Glenn.1986.Postindustrialism and Anti- fornia,Berkeley.Typescript. nuclear Weapons Activism.Paper presented at Wildavsky,Aaron.1986.Industrial Politics in meetings of the Western Political Science Associ- American Political Cultures.In The Politics of ation,Eugene,Oregon. Industrial Policy,ed.Claude E.Barfield and Thompson,Michael.1982.The Role of the Centre. William A.Schambra,15-32.Washington,DC: In Essays in the Sociology of Perception,ed. American Enterprise Institute. Mary Douglas.London:Routledge and Kegan Wolin,Sheldon S.1986.Democracy and the Wel- Paul. fare State:Staatsrason and Wohlfahrtsstaats- Thompson,Michael,and Michiel Schwarz.1985. rason.University of Wisconsin,Madison.Type- Beyond the Politics of Interest.Paper pre- script. sented at the thirteenth world congress of the Zajonc,R.B.1980.Feeling and Thinking:Prefer- International Political Science Association, ences Need No Inferences.American Psycholo- Paris,France. 8ist35:151-75. Verba,Sidney,and Gary R.Orren.1985.Equality Aaron Wildavsky is Professor,Department of Political Science and Graduate School of Public Policy,and Member of the Survey Research Center,University of California, Berkeley,California 94720. 21
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