IIIdentify the one that is wrong in standard written English in each of the following sentences: AB 2.No admin sratorr supervisor nnra elassroomes they are invited by the teacher A B 3.In recent years great advances forward have been made in the field of genetic research. B D 4.Your semester participate inclass A B 5.The authors agree that a novel should have a good plot.provide real characters and Stimulating A D 6.Rings may be plain,nraved and with stones A B C D 7.Wealthy people have always desired and wear precious stones because their beauty is lasting A B D 8.The Department of Labor enforces laws that promote the welfare of wage earners improving occupational conditions and advance employment opportunities. D 9.A rat's sharp teeth can gnaw through wood,plaster,or soft metallic such as lead. B 10. Smith has not vet decided whether to travel by car or should he take the train A B D 11.Once Johnson had completed his errands,it was no time left to do the things he had A B most wanted to do. 12. Because of the mutual fund hasand will A C continue to be attractive small investors 13.Unlike most animals,the turtle lives effortlessly in the water and land. 14 The President and the Vice-President of the United States thev are the only federal on A B federal officials chosen by the electoral college,rather than by direct vote of the people. D 15.Liquid lubricants conrast widely in weighing thickness,and boiling poin 16.Galileo found it difficult to believe that the sun rotated around the earth and the earth to A B C be the center of the universe. II.Identify the one that is wrong in standard written English in each of the following sentences: 1. My hat was blown off by the wind while walking down a narrow street. A B C D 2. No admin strator or supervisor can enter a classroom unless they are invited by the teacher. A B C D 3. In recent years great advances forward have been made in the field of genetic research. A B C D 4. Your semester grade is based not only on how well you do on each test, but also how you participate in class. A B C D 5. The authors agree that a novel should have a good plot, provide real characters and stimulating. A B C D 6. Rings may be plain, engraved and decoration, or set with stones. A B C D 7. Wealthy people have always desired and wear precious stones because their beauty is lasting. A B C D 8. The Department of Labor enforces laws that promote the welfare of wage earners, improving A B C occupational conditions and advance employment opportunities. D 9. A rat’s sharp teeth can gnaw through wood, plaster, or soft metallic such as lead. A B C D 10. Smith has not yet decided whether to travel by car or should he take the train. A B C D 11. Once Johnson had completed his errands, it was no time left to do the things he had A B C most wanted to do. D 12. Because of its strong record during earlier recession, the mutual fund has and will A B C continue to be attractive small investors. D 13. Unlike most animals, the turtle lives effortlessly in the water and land. A B C D 14. The President and the Vice-President of the United States they are the only federal only A B federal officials chosen by the electoral college, rather than by direct vote of the people. C D 15. Liquid lubricants contrast widely in weighing, thickness, and boiling point. A B C D 16. Galileo found it difficult to believe that the sun rotated around the earth and the earth to A B C be the center of the universe
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