Binary-search-tree sort T< b Create an empty bst for i=l to n do TREe-INSERT(T, AiD Perform an inorder tree walk of t Example A=[3182675] 8 ree-walk time =O(n but how long does it take to build the bst c 2001 by Charles E Leiserson Introduction to Agorithms Day 17 L9.2© 2001 by Charles E. Leiserson Introduction to Algorithms Day 17 L9.2 33 Binary-search-tree sort T ← ∅ ⊳ Create an empty BST for i = 1 to n do TREE-INSERT(T, A[i]) Perform an inorder tree walk of T. Example: A = [3 1 8 2 6 7 5] 11 88 22 66 55 77 Tree-walk time = O(n), but how long does it take to build the BST?