void encrypt (char *s)8.4.1程序解析一加密# define MAXLINE 100for (; *s != "10'; s++)void encrypt(char *);if (*s =='z")int main (void)*s ='a';{char line [MAXLINE];else*s = *s+1;printf ("Input the string: ");gets(line);7encrypt (line);printf ("%s%sln", “ After being encrypted:", line);return 0;Input the string: hello hangzhou1Afterbeing encrypted: ifmmp!ibohaipv8.4.1 程序解析-加密 # define MAXLINE 100 void encrypt(char *); int main (void) { char line [MAXLINE]; printf ("Input the string: "); gets(line); encrypt (line); printf (“%s%s\n”,“After being encrypted: ”, line); return 0; } void encrypt ( char *s) { for ( ; *s != '\0'; s++) if (*s == 'z') *s = 'a'; else *s = *s+1; } Input the string:hello hangzhou After being encrypted: ifmmp!ibohaipv