12. S. Chernov, P Serdyukov, P -A. Chirita, G. Demartini, and w. Nejdl. Building a desktop search test-bed In ECIR 07: Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval, pages 686-690, 2007 13.P-A.Chirita,S.Costache, W.Nejdl, and R. Paiu. Beagle ++: Semantically en- hanced searching and ranking on the desktop. In EswC, pages 348-362, 2006 14. W. Cohen, P Ravikumar, and S. Fienberg. A comparison of string distance metrics for name-matching tasks. Proceedings of the IJCAl-2003 Workshop on Information Integration on the Web(IIweb-03), 2003 15. N. Craswell, A. de vries, and I Soboroff. Overview of the TREC 2005 Enterprise Track 16. N. Craswell, A. de vries, and I Soboroff. Overview of the TREC-2006 Enterprise Track 17. N. Craswell, D. Hawking, A. Vercoustre, and P. wilkins. PAnoptic Expert: Search g for Experts not just for Documents. Ausweb, 2001 18. H. Fang and C. Zhai. Probabilistic Models for Expert Finding. Proceedings of 29th .9 European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR07), pages 418-430, 2007 T. Groza. S. Handschuh. K. Moller. G. Grimnes. L. Sauermann. E. Minack M. Jazayeri, C. Mesnage, G. Reif, and R. Gudjonsdottir. The NEPOMUK Project- On the way to the Social Semantic Desktop. Proceedings of l-Senantics' 07, pages 0. E. loannou, C. Niederee, and W. NejdI. Probabilistic entity linkage for heteroge- neous information spaces. In CAisE, 2008 21. J. Li, H. Boley, V.C. Bhavsar, and J. Mei. Expert finding for e Collaboration using FOAF with RuleML rules. Montreal Conference on e Technologies (MCTECH) 22. C. Macdonald, D. Hannah, and I Ounis. High quality expertise evidence for expert earch. In ECIR, pages 283-295, 2008 eques for an Expert Search Task. Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference 23. C. Macdonald and I Ounis. Voting for Candidates: Adapting Data Fusion Tech- Information and Knowledge Management(CIKM'06), pages 387-396, 2006 24. C. Macdonald and I. Ounis. Using Relevance Feedback in Expert Search. Pro- ceedings of 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval(ECIR o7), pages 431-443.200 25. A. McLean, A. Vercoustre, and M. Wu. Enterprise People Finder: Combining Evi- dence from Web Pages and Corporate Data. Proceedings of Australian Document Computing Symposium, 2003 26. A. McLean, M. Wu, and A. Vercoustre. Combining Structured Corporate Data nd Document Content to Improve Expertise Finding. Arriu preprint cs/0509005 2005. 7. E. Minack. L. Sauermann. G. Grimes. C. Fluit and Bro Lucene Sail: RDF Queries with Full-text Search. Technical 2008-1, February2008. 28. P. Serdyukov and D. Hiemstra. Modeling documents as mixtures of persons for expert finding. In ECIR, pages 309-320, 2008 9. J. Zhang, M. Ackerman, and L. Adamic. Expertise Networks in Online Commu- nities: Structure and Algorithms. Proceedings of the 16th international conference World wide Web, pages 221-230, 2007. 30. J. Zhu, A. Goncalves, V. Uren, E. Motta, and R. Pacheco. Mining Web Data for Competency Management. Web Intelligence 05, pages 94-100, 200512. S. Chernov, P. Serdyukov, P.-A. Chirita, G. Demartini, and W. Nejdl. Building a desktop search test-bed. In ECIR ’07: Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval, pages 686–690, 2007. 13. P.-A. Chirita, S. Costache, W. Nejdl, and R. Paiu. Beagle++: Semantically en￾hanced searching and ranking on the desktop. In ESWC, pages 348–362, 2006. 14. W. Cohen, P. Ravikumar, and S. Fienberg. A comparison of string distance metrics for name-matching tasks. Proceedings of the IJCAI-2003 Workshop on Information Integration on the Web (IIWeb-03), 2003. 15. N. Craswell, A. de Vries, and I. Soboroff. Overview of the TREC 2005 Enterprise Track. 16. N. Craswell, A. de Vries, and I. Soboroff. Overview of the TREC-2006 Enterprise Track. 17. N. Craswell, D. Hawking, A. Vercoustre, and P. Wilkins. P@noptic Expert: Search￾ing for Experts not just for Documents. Ausweb, 2001. 18. H. Fang and C. Zhai. Probabilistic Models for Expert Finding. Proceedings of 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR’07), pages 418–430, 2007. 19. T. Groza, S. Handschuh, K. Moller, G. Grimnes, L. Sauermann, E. Minack, M. Jazayeri, C. Mesnage, G. Reif, and R. Gudjonsdottir. The NEPOMUK Project￾On the way to the Social Semantic Desktop. Proceedings of I-Semantics’07, pages 201–211. 20. E. Ioannou, C. Nieder´ee, and W. Nejdl. Probabilistic entity linkage for heteroge￾neous information spaces. In CAiSE, 2008. 21. J. Li, H. Boley, V. C. Bhavsar, and J. Mei. Expert finding for eCollaboration using FOAF with RuleML rules. Montreal Conference on eTechnologies (MCTECH), 2006. 22. C. Macdonald, D. Hannah, and I. Ounis. High quality expertise evidence for expert search. In ECIR, pages 283–295, 2008. 23. C. Macdonald and I. Ounis. Voting for Candidates: Adapting Data Fusion Tech￾niques for an Expert Search Task. Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM’06), pages 387–396, 2006. 24. C. Macdonald and I. Ounis. Using Relevance Feedback in Expert Search. Pro￾ceedings of 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR’07), pages 431–443, 2007. 25. A. McLean, A. Vercoustre, and M. Wu. Enterprise PeopleFinder: Combining Evi￾dence from Web Pages and Corporate Data. Proceedings of Australian Document Computing Symposium, 2003. 26. A. McLean, M. Wu, and A. Vercoustre. Combining Structured Corporate Data and Document Content to Improve Expertise Finding. Arxiv preprint cs/0509005, 2005. 27. E. Minack, L. Sauermann, G. Grimnes, C. Fluit, and J. Broekstra. The Sesame LuceneSail: RDF Queries with Full-text Search. Technical report, NEPOMUK 2008-1, February 2008. 28. P. Serdyukov and D. Hiemstra. Modeling documents as mixtures of persons for expert finding. In ECIR, pages 309–320, 2008. 29. J. Zhang, M. Ackerman, and L. Adamic. Expertise Networks in Online Commu￾nities: Structure and Algorithms. Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, pages 221–230, 2007. 30. J. Zhu, A. Gon¸calves, V. Uren, E. Motta, and R. Pacheco. Mining Web Data for Competency Management. Web Intelligence ’05, pages 94–100, 2005
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