·562· 北京科技大学学报 1999年第6期 有不均匀性.极快的冷却会使组织细化,有助于提 的变化与组织有关.焊缝区(3区)为马氏体和少 高焊缝性能.图6是典型的焊缝组织,即板条马氏 量铁素体,硬度较高:钢基侧热影区(4区)为马 体与先共析铁素体的混合组织. 氏体组织,碳含量高,表现出最高的硬度:锯齿 侧热影区(2区)主要是铁素体组织,硬度最低。 抗弯强度试样尺寸为20.0mm×8.0mm×2.0 mm.胎体材料和焊接接头的抗弯强度分别为 704.0MPa和821.0MPa,焊接接头的抗弯强度于 母材强度, 3结论 (1)锯齿材料对金刚石锯片激光焊接质量有 很大影响,在锯齿待焊处设置过渡层可改善胎 图6典型的焊绩组织 体材料与钢基的焊接性 焊接接头的显撤硬度,见图7,焊接接头硬度 (2)激光功率、焊速、离焦量及等离子体控制 刀头铜基 等工艺参数影响焊接深度,光束应偏向钢基一 800 侧 (3)焊缝的典型组织为细小板条马氏体与铁 600 素体的混合组织,主要由a-Fe和y(Fe,Ni)固溶 体两相组成. 400 (4)在合适的工艺条件下,焊接接头的抗弯 强度高于锯齿材料强度, 200 参考文献 1 Webber G.Laser Welding of Diamond Tools.Industral Diamond Review,1991(3):126 0.70.9 距离mm 2何康生,曹雄夫异种金属的焊接性,北京:机械工业出 图7焊接接头的显搬硬度 版杜,1986 3 Novakovic B.A Diamond Blade for Dry Sawing.Indutral Daimond Review,1983(1):220 Laser Welding of Diamond Saw Blade Xia Jinhua.Yin sheng".Yie Hongyue",Hu Enlian 1)Materials Science and Engineering School.UST Beijing.Beijing 100083.China 2)Shengxhen Shen Da Superhard Material Co.Ltd ABSTRACT It was studied that the effects of technological parameters on laser welding quality of diamond saw blade and on the composition,microstrure.properties of welded seam.The results showed that satisfactory welding quality dependends on the power.velocity,laser body of laser welding,and it consists of a-Fe and y (Fe,Ni)composite. KEY WORDS diamond;saw blode;laser welding
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