神经元是多细胞动物高效感知的必然选择 提高感知到运动反应的效率动物神经产生的必要性 (a) (b) 衣藻 large 团藻 steering cells with eyespot eyespot small non-steering cells with small 2um chloroplast or no eyespot 100m (c) (d) steering cilia swimming cilia pigment cell photoreceptor cell cilia 100um 加 50 um pigmented ring 海绵幼虫 环节动物幼虫 Figure 1.Comparison of the efficiency of sensory-to-motor transformation in (a)Chlamydomonas,(b)Lolvox,(c)a sponge larva, and(d)an annelid larva.The parts of the organism involved in sensing and responding to the light stimulus are coloured red.衣藻 团藻 海绵幼虫 环节动物幼虫 神经元是多细胞动物高效感知的必然选择 提高感知到运动反应的效率-动物神经产生的必要性