)12. What kind of movie is Tom watching? )13. What does Bill think of the new movie? A. Interesting. C Boring. )14. What are they talking about? A. The results of the school play. B The results of an exam C The results of the sports meeting )15. Who won the second prize? A.Mike’ s class B.Kate’ s class. C. We don'’ t know 水水客水水水冰水水水水冰水水水水*水 16 Who did Lisa go to the movies with? A. Her parents B Her classmates C. Her friends )17. Why does Lisa think Sunshine Movie Theater is the best? A Because it has the newest movies and the biggest screens. B Because it has the newest movies and the best service C Because it has the cheapest tickets and the biggest screens )18. When did Lisa get home? A. At 9: 30 p. m. B At 10: 30 p. m. C At 9: 00 p.m.( )12.What kind of movie is Tom watching? ( )13.What does Bill think of the new movie? A.Interesting. B.Funny. C.Boring. ******************** ( )14.What are they talking about? A.The results of the school play. B.The results of an exam. C.The results of the sports meeting. ( )15.Who won the second prize? A.Mike’s class. B.Kate’s class. C.We don’t know. ******************** ( )16.Who did Lisa go to the movies with? A.Her parents. B.Her classmates. C.Her friends. ( )17.Why does Lisa think Sunshine Movie Theater is the best? A.Because it has the newest movies and the biggest screens. B.Because it has the newest movies and the best service. C.Because it has the cheapest tickets and the biggest screens. ( )18.When did Lisa get home? A.At 9:30 p.m. B.At 10:30 p.m. C.At 9:00 p.m
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