油气运移是形成油气藏的必经过程 (necessary course of forming oil and natural gas pool) 按发生运移的时间顺序,把油气从细粒 的生油岩向外排出的过程叫做初次运移 (The course of oil and natural gas expelled from the granule source rock is primary migration) 油气脱离母岩后在储集岩孔隙系统或其 它通道内传输的过程叫做二次运移 (secondary migration)油气运移是形成油气藏的必经过程 (necessary course of forming oil and natural gas pool)。 按发生运移的时间顺序,把油气从细粒 的生油岩向外排出的过程叫做初次运移 (The course of oil and natural gas expelled from the granule source rock is primary migration)。 油气脱离母岩后在储集岩孔隙系统或其 它通道内传输的过程叫做二次运移 (secondary migration)