572 PART SIX APPOINTED OFFICIALS TABLE 24-1 Justices of the Supreme Court,1989 Year of Nominating Position Before Justice Appointment President Appointment William Brennan 1956 Eisenhower Justice,Supreme Court of New Jersey Byron White 1962 Kennedy Deputy attorney general Thurgood Marshall 1967 Johnson Solicitor general Harry Blackmun 1970 Nixon Judge,U.S.Court of Appeals William Rehnquist" 1971 Nixon Assistant attorey general John Paul Stevens 1975 Ford Judge,U.S.Court of Appeals Sandra Day O'Connor 1981 Reagan Judge,Arizona Court of Appeals Antonin'Scalia 1986 Reagan Judge,U.S.Court of Appeals Anthony Kennedy 1988 Reagan Judge,U.S.Court of Appeals Appointed chief justice in 1986 The official portrait of the Not all observers agree that judicial experience is the best preparation for a 1988-1989 session of the federal jurist,particularly for a justice of the Supreme Court.Justice Felix Supreme Court of the United Frankfurter claimed that"the correlation between prior judicial experience and States:(front row)Thurgood fitness for the Supreme Court is zero,"and felt that the greatest jurists,Oliver Marshall,William Brennan,Jr., Wendell Holmes,Jr.,and Benjamin Cardozo among them,were essentially Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Byron White,Harry Blackmun; "legal philosophers."Frankfurter's observation has merit,in that many of the (back row)Antonin Scalia,John Court's most influential members-including John Marshall,Charles Evans Paul Stevens,Sandra Day Hughes,Louis Brandeis,Harlan Stone,Felix Frankfurter,Earl Warren,and O'Connor,Anthony Kennedy. (Supreme Court Historical Felix Frankfurter,"The Supreme Court in the Mirror of Justices,"University of Pennsylvania Law Review106(1957):781. Society)
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