Chapter 12 ISATAP 277 computers running Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista with Service Pack 1,the ISATAP tunnel interfaces are placed in a media disconnected state unless the name "ISATAP"can be resolved. By default,the IPv6 protocol for Windows Vista with no service packs installed automatically configures link-local ISATAP addresses(FE80::5EFE:w.x.y.z or FE80::200:5EFE:w.x.y.z)on the ISATAP tunnel interfaces for the IPv4 addresses that are assigned to the corresponding LAN interface.The IPv6 protocol for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 configures link-local ISATAP addresses(FE80::5EFE:w.x.y.z or FE80::200:5EFE:w.x.y.z)on ISATAP tunnel interfaces only if the name "ISATAP"can be resolved. These link-local ISATAP addresses allow two hosts to communicate over an IPv4-only network without requiring additional global or unique local ISATAP addresses.You can determine the names and interface indexes of the ISATAP tunneling interfaces from the display of the ipconfig /all command. All tunneling interfaces by default have an asterisk(")in their name,such as"Local Area Connection*6".ISATAP tunneling interfaces have an asterisk in their name,"ISATAP" in their description,and are assigned a link-local ISATAP address.You can obtain the interface index for an ISATAP tunneling interface from the number after the percent sign ("%")in the link-local addresses assigned to the interface.For example,the interface index of the ISATAP tunneling interface with the address FE80::200:5EFE: is 10 You can disable ISATAP by setting the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControl- Set\Services\tcpip6\Parameters\DisabledComponents registry value to 0x4 (DWORD). Note IPv6 for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP created only a single ISATAP tunneling interface that was named 'Automatic Tunneling Pseudo-Interface,with an interface index that was typically set to 2. ISATAP Tunneling Example Host A has a single LAN interface and is configured with the IPv4 address of B has a single LAN interface and is configured with the IPv4 address of on Host A has the ISATAP address of FE80:5EFE: assigned to its ISATAP tunneling interface(named"Local Area Connection*6"with the interface index 10)and Host B has the ISATAP address of FE80:5EFE: assigned to its ISATAP tunneling interface (named "Local Area Connection*5"with the interface index 11).Figure 12-1 shows this example configuration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`!I!/<_`VV09 !`!"`8`)''`a'40V7"'0$JE:a^baD5 cd efghijklmnojpqrskgsktuuvwnolmnojpqxfykswzsojn{|wqmn}{ser~~f znns{mn}mnzskiwyszwzpwqnwso~zjwzmynns{mn}fqsojenzskiwys
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