工程科学学报,第38卷,增刊1:7882,2016年6月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol.38,Suppl.1:78-82,June 2016 DOI:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2016.s1.014:http://journals.ustb.edu.cn 转炉利用石灰石造渣炼钢的试验研究 路文刚四,朱荣,于灏 北京科技大学治金与生态工程学院,北京100083 ☒通信作者,E-mail:lwgxt@126.com 摘要基于对石灰石分解机理的分析,研究了炼钢过程中利用石灰石代替石灰进行造渣时炉内富余热量的变化,发现当采 用全部石灰进行冶炼时,铁水加入比(质量分数)可达到86.1%左右,随着石灰石加入量的增加,废钢比降低,吨钢富余热量 减少,石灰加入量降低.若全部采用石灰石进行造渣,铁水比最高可达到97.0%.在此基础上,利用601转炉研究了炼钢过程 采用石灰石完全代替石灰进行造渣炼钢的治金效果.实验发现:与采用石灰造渣炼钢相比,当采用石灰石进行造渣炼钢时, 吹炼至4min时的炉渣TFe质量分数为21.87%,碱度为1.22;随着吹炼时间增加,炉渣TFe含量降低,碱度上升至3.0以上. 炼钢过程脱磷更加稳定且脱磷率提高了2.6%:平均终渣碱度为3.52,能满足治炼的脱磷要求:渣量大幅度降低,从而降低了 钢铁料消耗:吹炼时间略有延长,终点熔池温度基本保持不变.研究结果为调整炉料结构、降低生产成本提供了新的方法和 思路。 关键词转炉炼钢:造渣:石灰石:脱磷 分类号TF729.5 Research on slagging by limestone during BOF steelmaking process LU Wen-gang,ZHU Rong,YU Hao School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China Corresponding author,E-mail:lwgxt@126.com ABSTRACT On the basis of analysis of limestone decomposing and slagging mechanism,the changing of surplus heat was studied using limestone instead of lime as the slagging agent during steelmaking process,which indicates that hot metal added ratio can reach approximate 86.1%if using lime entirely.If limestone is applied in the steelmaking process to replace all limes for slagging,the hot metal ratio can reach up to 97.0%.On this basis,the metallurgical results of using limestone instead of lime for slagging in 60t con- verter were studied.The results show that the content of TFe in slag is 21.87%at 4 min and the basicity is 1.22 using limestone for slagging.With the blowing time increasing,the content of TFe reduces while the basicity increases to more than 3.0.Besides,the de- phosphorization process is much more stable and the dephosphorization ratio increases by 2.6%,and the average basicity of slag in the end is 3.52,meeting the demand of dephosphorization.Since the slag amount substantially reduces,which results in the decline of the consumption of steel material.The blowing time is prolonged and the temperature of liquid steel is kept constant.Furthermore,the re- sults also provide a new method and concept for optimizing the charging material structure and reducing the production cost KEY WORDS converter steelmaking;slagging:limestone:dephosphorization 转炉炼钢通常采用石灰作为造渣原料,完成炼钢煤做燃料,因此,经过煅烧的石灰中硫含量较高:且生 过程造渣脱磷的主要目的.石灰是在石灰窑中将石灰 成的石灰容易吸水,石灰的活性度难以保证:同时煅烧 石进行高温煅烧获得的,由于石灰窑多数采用焦炭和 石灰的炉窑排出大量的粉尘,造成环境污染.转炉炼 收稿日期:20160106 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51334001)工程科学学报,第 38 卷,增刊 1: 78--82,2016 年 6 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol. 38,Suppl. 1: 78--82,June 2016 DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn2095--9389. 2016. s1. 014; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn 转炉利用石灰石造渣炼钢的试验研究 路文刚,朱 荣,于 灏 北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京 100083  通信作者,E-mail: lwgxt@ 126. com 摘 要 基于对石灰石分解机理的分析,研究了炼钢过程中利用石灰石代替石灰进行造渣时炉内富余热量的变化,发现当采 用全部石灰进行冶炼时,铁水加入比( 质量分数) 可达到 86. 1% 左右,随着石灰石加入量的增加,废钢比降低,吨钢富余热量 减少,石灰加入量降低. 若全部采用石灰石进行造渣,铁水比最高可达到 97. 0% . 在此基础上,利用 60 t 转炉研究了炼钢过程 采用石灰石完全代替石灰进行造渣炼钢的冶金效果. 实验发现: 与采用石灰造渣炼钢相比,当采用石灰石进行造渣炼钢时, 吹炼至 4 min 时的炉渣 TFe 质量分数为 21. 87% ,碱度为 1. 22; 随着吹炼时间增加,炉渣 TFe 含量降低,碱度上升至 3. 0 以上. 炼钢过程脱磷更加稳定且脱磷率提高了 2. 6% ; 平均终渣碱度为 3. 52,能满足冶炼的脱磷要求; 渣量大幅度降低,从而降低了 钢铁料消耗; 吹炼时间略有延长,终点熔池温度基本保持不变. 研究结果为调整炉料结构、降低生产成本提供了新的方法和 思路. 关键词 转炉炼钢; 造渣; 石灰石; 脱磷 分类号 TF729. 5 Research on slagging by limestone during BOF steelmaking process LU Wen-gang ,ZHU Rong,YU Hao School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China  Corresponding author,E-mail: lwgxt@ 126. com ABSTRACT On the basis of analysis of limestone decomposing and slagging mechanism,the changing of surplus heat was studied using limestone instead of lime as the slagging agent during steelmaking process,which indicates that hot metal added ratio can reach approximate 86. 1% if using lime entirely. If limestone is applied in the steelmaking process to replace all limes for slagging,the hot metal ratio can reach up to 97. 0% . On this basis,the metallurgical results of using limestone instead of lime for slagging in 60 t con￾verter were studied. The results show that the content of TFe in slag is 21. 87% at 4 min and the basicity is 1. 22 using limestone for slagging. With the blowing time increasing,the content of TFe reduces while the basicity increases to more than 3. 0. Besides,the de￾phosphorization process is much more stable and the dephosphorization ratio increases by 2. 6% ,and the average basicity of slag in the end is 3. 52,meeting the demand of dephosphorization. Since the slag amount substantially reduces,which results in the decline of the consumption of steel material. The blowing time is prolonged and the temperature of liquid steel is kept constant. Furthermore,the re￾sults also provide a new method and concept for optimizing the charging material structure and reducing the production cost. KEY WORDS converter steelmaking; slagging; limestone; dephosphorization 收稿日期: 2016--01--06 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金资助项目( 51334001) 转炉炼钢通常采用石灰作为造渣原料,完成炼钢 过程造渣脱磷的主要目的. 石灰是在石灰窑中将石灰 石进行高温煅烧获得的,由于石灰窑多数采用焦炭和 煤做燃料,因此,经过煅烧的石灰中硫含量较高; 且生 成的石灰容易吸水,石灰的活性度难以保证; 同时煅烧 石灰的炉窑排出大量的粉尘,造成环境污染. 转炉炼
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