形形色色的竞争 If you aren't dead,you must be competing How? 暴力(olence) 由权威分配(Al1 locations by Authorities》 ●先到先得(First Come,First Served ●最需要者得(Most Deserving) ●论资排辈 。凭考分 。交易 (Competitive Cooperation By Exchanges) 怎样看待形形色色的竞争? 12 12 形形色色的竞争 If you aren't dead, you must be competing. How? ⚫ 暴力(Violence) ⚫ 由权威分配(Allocations by Authorities) ⚫ 先到先得(First Come, First Served ) ⚫ 最需要者得(Most Deserving) ⚫ 论资排辈 ⚫ 凭考分 ⚫ 交易 (Competitive Cooperation By Exchanges) 怎样看待形形色色的竞争?
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