Course Information for 0122229 现代数字通信与编码理论 (Principles of advanced digital communications and coding) The goal of this class is to introduce the information transmission techniques used in modern cor mmun with e advanced 各种信道模型(包括功率受限、带宽受限、ISl、衰落、多天线等)及其Shannon容量的计算: 最新的可达容量限的信道码的编译码原理;现代编码通信系统的性能分析技术。 Prerequisite:Principles of communications Error control coding(preferable but not necessary) Instructor:Prof.Baoming BAI Assistant: Time and place:Monday 8:30-10:05 am.and Wednesday 3:35-5:10 p.m.in Classroom 2.04 Grading:50%Homework 50%Project (The project will involve in writing a report as well as an oral presentation) Class WWW page: Outline Preliminaries -Phase splitter and analytic signal -Complex baseband representation of passband signals -Signal space representations ric Gaussian processes Signal constellation PAM and QAM transmission systems Capacity for M-PAM and M-QAM signaling -The gap between uncoded performance and the Shannon limit -Performance analysis of small signal constellations -Design of signal constellations Performance Analysis of Coded Commuication Systems -Approac ing capacity with coding 3 Course Information for 0122229 现代数字通信与编码理论 (Principles of advanced digital communications and coding) The goal of this class is to introduce the information transmission techniques used in modern communication systems, with emphasis on information-theoretic and advanced coding aspects. This is done by understanding the following course contents: 各种信道模型(包括功率受限、带宽受限、ISI、衰落、多天线等)及其 Shannon 容量的计算; 最新的可达容量限的信道码的编译码原理;现代编码通信系统的性能分析技术。 Prerequisite: Principles of communications Error control coding (preferable but not necessary) Instructor: Prof. Baoming BAI Assistant: Time and place: Monday 8:30 – 10:05 a.m. and Wednesday 3:35 – 5:10 p.m. in Classroom J2-04 Grading: 50% Homework 50% Project (The project will involve in writing a report as well as an oral presentation) Class WWW page: Outline Preliminaries - Phase splitter and analytic signal - Complex baseband representation of passband signals - Signal space representations - Circularly symmetric Gaussian processes - Some facts from information theory Digital Transmission of Information over Ideal AWGN Channels (10 hours) - Discrete-time AWGN channel model - Signal constellation - PAM and QAM transmission systems - Capacity for M-PAM and M-QAM signaling - The gap between uncoded performance and the Shannon limit - Performance analysis of small signal constellations - Design of signal constellations Performance Analysis of Coded Communication Systems - Approaching capacity with coding
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