ADOLF VON BEHRING For his work on serum therapy,especially its application against diphtheria,by which he has opened a new road in the domain of medical science and thereby placed in the hands of the physician a victorious weapon against illness and deaths. 德国科学家贝林因血清疗法防治白喉、破伤风 1901年首届诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 ADOLF VON BEHRING For his work on serum therapy, especially its application against diphtheria, by which he has opened a new road in the domain of medical science and thereby placed in the hands of the physician a victorious weapon against illness and deaths. 德国科学家贝林因血清疗法防治白喉、破伤风 1901年首届诺贝尔生理学或医学奖
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