904 土 壤学报 47卷 [8】Nakahina Y.Diima mmt of heny ins Wym ing [14鲍士旦,等土壤农化分析第三版北京:中国农业出版社 gek by x-r 91 KwakiT.hada K.Sab S etal Diffusin mehanim of chbrdir 20001424 [15)李航.土壤界面电化学性质测定的动力学方法研究.重庆:西 wx200m47.150-170 南农业大学资源环境学院.2000 LiH.The kinetic [10]LiH WuLS On the rehtinshp beween themal dusin and the detm nation of interface ekctrochm ical popertis( moleuhr nteracin energy n binary mixurs J Phys Che B Chnee).Chongling Collge of Rexues and Envroment 200410813821-13826 Southestasriultumluniersty 2000 11]LiH.Weis Q,Qng C L.Dicussin on the positin of the shear 「16李航.陈明树.关于“恒电位”概念的讨论.土壤学报.199936 phne Joumal of Colbil and Intedace Seince 2003.25& (2:198-202 LiH,Chen M S D iscussin on the coneeption of 40-44 onstmt potential surfice"(In Chinese).Acta Pelologica Sni LiH.Qing C L W eiS Q.An apprach o hemehod for detemi a1999362198-02 [1刀中国科学院成都分院士壤研究室.中国紫色土(上篇)北 nal of Colbil Inter面Seimnor2004275172一176 京:科学出版社.199h175一179 Lahemtory of Soil Seiner [13】熊毅.博积平,陈家坊,等,土壤胶体第二册.北京:科学出版 n Chenglu Chinese A cademy of Seienees Purple soil n Chi 9825-327 Hseung Y.Fu J B Chen J E.et al Soil colb il na(h Chinese).Ist vol Beijing Science Pss 1991 In Chnesel.2nd vol Beijng Scienoe Press 1985 325-327 175-179 EFFECT OF SURFACE CHARGE PROPERTIES ON ION DIFFUSION IN SOIL COLLOID INTERFACE D ng Wuquan'LiQ ing LiHang (IColke fChm iery nd EntirmeneiChogqng Unirerity f Arts and Scimces Chongqing 4021 China) (2 College df Rexurces and Enrrormat Southees Universit:Chongqing 400716 China) perin ent to detem ne surface chage properties of soil colloids of netral purplish so il and latosol and to sudy K',Mg diffision n the wwo types of colbils under the sme condit in as surface charge propertieswere detem ned A nd the diffir dependent electrolyte concentration)were detem ned Results show 1)the totald iffisim fux varied n the range of 2 6~3 Img g n natal puple soil under different enviromm etal conditions about 6-10 tim es hgher than what in latoeo]beng in the rang of0 26~Q51 mgg and 2)the diffusion coefficient variad in the range of n Surface charge propertis wer he domn nant factor affectng ion diffus ion n charged colbils Key words Surface change pmperties lon Charged collit Diffsion 1994-2010 China Academie Joumal Electronie Publishing House.All rights reserved.http://www.cnki.net 904 土 壤 学 报 47卷 [ 8 ] N akash im a Y. 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Pu rp le soil in C h i na ( In Ch inese ). 1 st vo.l B eijing: Scien ce Press, 199 1. 1 75 1 79 EFFECT OF SURFACE CHARGE PROPERT IES ON ION DIFFUSION IN SOIL COLLOID INTERFACE D ing W uquan 1 L iQ iang 1 L iH ang 2 ( 1 Collge of Chem istry and Environm en tEng in eering, Ch ong qing University of Arts and Sciences, Chongqing 402168, China ) ( 2 Colleg e of Resources and Environm en t, Southwest University, Chongqing 400716, China ) Abstract Ion diffusion is an mi portant path ofmass transport in nature, controlling movement of nutrients from bulk so il to plant roots as well as fate of potentially harm ful salts and toxic com pounds. The kineticm ethod was used in th is ex permi ent to determ ine surface charge properties of soil colloids of neutral purplish so il and latosol and to study K + , M g 2+ diffusion in the two types of collo ids under the sam e condition as surface charge propertiesw ere determ ined. And the diffu sion flux dependent of tmi e and diffusion coefficient in the two types of co lloids ( at different of pH electrolyte type and electrolyte concentration) were determ ined. Results show 1) the totald iffusion flux varied in the range of 2. 6 ~ 3. 1mg g - 1 in neutral purple so il under different environm ental conditions, about 6~ 10 tmi es higher than what in latoso,l being in the range of 0. 26 ~ 0. 51 mg g - 1 ; and 2) the diffusion coefficient varied in the range of 1. 17 10 - 9 ~ 1. 91 10 - 9 cm 2 s - 1 in neutral purple soilunder different env ironm ental conditions, and in the range of 0. 23 10 - 9 ~ 0. 45 10 - 9 cm 2 s - 1 in latoso.l Surface charge properties were the dom inant factor affecting ion diffusion in charged collo ids. K ey words Surface charge properties; Ion; Charged colloid; D iffusion
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