Example:Map-Coloring Northern Territory Western Queensland Australia South Australia New South Wales Victoria Variables WA,NT,Q,NSW,V,SA,T Tasmania Domains Di={red,green,blue} Constraints:adjacent regions must have different colors e.g.,WA NT (if the language allows this),or (WA,NT){(red,green),(red,blue),(green,red),(green,blue),...} Chapter 5 4 Example: Map-Coloring Western Australia Northern Territory South Australia Queensland New South Wales Victoria Tasmania Variables WA, NT, Q, NSW, V , SA, T Domains Di = {red, green, blue} Constraints: adjacent regions must have different colors e.g., WA 6= NT (if the language allows this), or (WA, NT) ∈ {(red, green),(red, blue),(green, red),(green, blue), . . .} Chapter 5 4
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