THE SPLIT 223 to a higher stage in the Taiping hierarchy can be suggested by the chilling reference to the Comforter that follows those quoted by Hong.For in John's Gospel,chapter 16,verse 7,Jesus also says,"I tell you the truth;it is expedient for you that I go away:for if I go not away,the Comforter will not come unto you;but if I depart,I will send him unto you." Yang is aiming high,and when you aim high,others must fall.Two of Hong Xiuquan's closest and most trusted associates are also publicly humiliated by Yang in God's December visitations.One of these is the North King,Wei Changhui;the other is the marquis Qin Rigang.Both have been with Hong Xiuquan from his earliest days at Thistle Mountain. Wei,a man with some education,gave all his family possessions to the God-worshipers after they helped him in his local village;Qin,while working as a miner,also studied military arts and became a formidable strategist.For years both men have handled key military assignments for Hong,and Qin is regarded as the senior-ranking Taiping officer after the surviving kings. Yang uses his claim to speak for God to humiliate North King Wei in many ways.Whenever God appears,Yang's women attendants summon the North King at once with drum calls;if Wei is late,it is the women who relay God's messages to him.When Yang is speaking with God's voice,Wei must kowtow in full prostration before him.When Yang is in a trance in his sedan chair,Wei must walk,not ride,beside him.Even Yang's stewards keep Wei jumping,by refusing to disturb their master to clarify the messages or to see if his trance has ended.Qin has to endure similar humiliations and even has to help carry the East King's sedan up the palace steps.25 The December clash between the East and North Kings includes onc other confrontation that illustrates how each maneuvers for position with Hong Xiuquan,East King Yang to prove his own morality,North King Wei to show his support of Hong's imperial perquisites.The incident starts when Yang suggests that Hong has more than enough embroideries and robes in his palace,and should economize for a time instead of acquir- ing more.The North King,ignoring Yang,replies to Hong: You,our second elder brother,are the true Sovereign of all nations of the world,and you are rich in the possession of all within the four seas;although robes and garments are sufficient,it will still be necessary to be constantly engaged in making up more. To this clear challenge to his own authority,the East King responds as follows:THE SPI'IT 223 to a highcr stagc in thc∶ Γaiping hicrarchy can bc suggcstcd by thc chⅡ hng rcfcrcncc to thc Com凡 rtcr that follows thosc quotcd by Hong。 For in John’ s Gospcl,chaptcr16,vcrsc7,Jcsus also says,“ I tcll you thc truth;it is cxpcdicnt for you that I go away∶ %r ifI go not away,thc Comfortcr wⅡ l not comc unto you;but if I dcpart,I、 vⅡl scnd hirn unto you。 ” Yang is airning high,and、 vhcn you airn high,othcrs rnust fall。 T、vo of Hong Xiuquan’s closcst and m°st trustcd associatcs afc also pubhcly hu∏1ihatcd by Yang in God’s Dcccmbcr visitations. Onc of thcsc is thc North King,l、 氵Vci Changhui;thc Othcr is thc marquis Qin Rigang.Both havc bccn、vith Hong)Kiuquan froΠ 1his carhcst days at Thisdc Mountain. Wci,a man、vith somc cducation,gavc aⅡ his faΠ1ily posscssions to thc G°d-wofshipcrs aftcr thcy hclpcd him in his local vⅡlagc;Qin,whⅡ c 、vorking as a rllincr,also studicd∏ 1ihtary arts and bccamc a forΠ 1idablc stratcgist。 For ycars both mcn havc handlcd kcy Π1ilitary assignmcnts for Hong,and Qin is rcgardcd as thc scnior-ranking Taiping ofsccr aftcr thc surviving kings. Yang uscs his claim to spcak fDr God t° humⅡ iatc North King、Vci in many、vays,Whcncvsr God appcars,Yang’ s、vomcn attcndants su∏Ⅱnon thc North King at oncc、 vith drun1caⅡ s;if Wci is latc,it is thc、vomcn 、vho rclay G。 d’ s mcssagcs to hirn, 、、厂hcn Yang is spcaking with God’ s voicc,Wci rnust ko、vtoW in full prostration bcforc hirn。 、、厂hcn Yang isin a trancc in his scdan chair,、 、7ci must、 valk,not ridc,bcsidc hirn. Evcn Yanζs stCwards kccp Ⅶ厂ci jumpinbo,by rcft】 sing to disturb thcir mastcr to dariJ[∶|,`thC mcs阳 gcs or to scc if his trancc has cndcd。 Qin has to cndurc sirnⅡ ar huΠ1ihations and cvcn has to hclp carry thc East King’ s scdan up thc palacc stcps,25 Thc Dcccmbcr clash bctwccn thc East and NoⅡ h Kings indudcs onc othcr confrontation that iⅡ ustfatcs ho、v cach rnancuvcrs(or position、 vith Hong Xiuquan,East King γ'ang to provc his own morahty,North× 1ing 、、/ci to show his support of Hong’ s iInpcrial pcrquisitcs. Thc incidcnt starts whcn Yang suggcsts that Hong has rnorc than cnough cmbroidcrics and robcs in his palacc,and should cconoΠ1izc for a tirnc instcad of acquir~ ing morc,Thc North King,ignoring γ'ang,rcphcs to H° ng: You,our sccond c1dcr brothcr,arc thc truc Sovcrcign of all nations of thc xxrorld,and you arc rich in thc posscssion of all Ⅵ`ithin thc four scas;although robcs and garmcnts arc su± rlcicnt,it Ⅵ`ill stⅡ l bc ncccssary to bc constant1y cngagcd in making up m° rc To this clcar chaⅡ cngc to his o、 ^'n authority,thc East King rcsponds as r。 llows∶
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