In addition,there are playbills,title pages,and illustrative material relating to theatrical and musical adaptations ofScott and to translations ofhis work.The Image Collection also contains manuscripts ofScott's worksand correspondence drawn from the Corson Collectionand the Library's Laing Collection. Like the Corson Collection itself,the Image Database is wide-rangingand eclectic.It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the diffusion ofScott's work in Scotland,Great Britain,and abroad,in Scott'srole in the creation ofScottish national identity,and in his influence on British and foreign depictions ofScotland. VII.Prose ·Waverley,(18l4) 10' Guy Mannering,(1815) The Antiquary,(1816) Tales ofmy Landlord,Istseries:The Black Dwarfand The Tale ofOld Mortality,(1816) ·Rob Roy,(1818) Tales ofmy Landlord,2ndseries:The Heart of Midlothian In addition, there are playbills, title pages, and illustrative material relating to theatrical and musical adaptations of Scott and to translations of his work. The Image Collection also contains manuscripts of Scott's works and correspondence drawn from the Corson Collection and the Library's Laing Collection. Like the Corson Collection itself, the Image Database is wide-ranging and eclectic. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the diffusion of Scott's work in Scotland, Great Britain, and abroad, in Scott's role in the creation of Scottish national identity, and in his influence on British and foreign depictions of Scotland. VII. Prose • Waverley, (1814) • Guy Mannering, (1815) • The Antiquary, (1816) • Tales of my Landlord, 1st series: The Black Dwarf and The Tale of Old Mortality, (1816) • Rob Roy, (1818) • Tales of my Landlord, 2nd series: The Heart of Midlothian, 10’
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