150 Kai-Uwe Bletzinger,Roland Wiichner and Fernass Daoud Fig.6.Top view after form finding,without or with mesh control (left,right). (a)no mesh control (b)amaz =1.0 (c)amaz =1.5 Fig.7.Effects of varied mesh control 6 Conclusion Motivated by the specific problems of form finding an approach was developed to control the mesh quality of the finite element discretization.The idea of the method is to adjust the value of the applied surface stresses by a simple scaling of the stress components which is derived from geometric considera- tions.The method is very effective without additional effort.Several examples demonstrate the success.Further developments are directed towards the gen- eralization of the approach for general problems of shape optimal design where similar situations occur.150 Kai-Uwe Bletzinger, Roland W¨uchner and Fernass Daoud ¨ Fig. 6. Top view after form finding, without or with mesh control (left, right). Fig. 7. Effects of varied mesh control 6 Conclusion Motivated by the specific problems of form finding an approach was developed to control the mesh quality of the finite element discretization. The idea of the method is to adjust the value of the applied surface stresses by a simple scaling of the stress components which is derived from geometric considera￾tions. The method is very effective without additional effort. Several examples demonstrate the success. Further developments are directed towards the gen￾eralization of the approach for general problems of shape optimal design where similar situations occur. (a) no mesh control (b) αmax = 1.0 (c) αmax = 1.5
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