2636 J. Martinez.Fernandez, G N Morscher Journal of the European Ceramic Society 20(2000)2627-2636 3. Lara-Curzio E. ferber. m. k and tortorelli. lr nitride layers in composites. J. Am. Ceram Soc., 1999, 82. 1473- Oxidation and Stress-Rupture of Nicalon TM/SiC Ci Intermediate Temperatures. Key Engineering Material 13. Morscher. G. N. Martinez-Fernandez 127-131. Trans. Tech. Publications, Switzerland, 1997. pp Determination of interfacial gle fiber microcomposite test. J. Am. Ceram Soc. 9.1083-1091 4. Lara-Curzio, E. Stress-rupture of Nicalon/ SiC continuous fiber 14. Yun, H. M. and DiCarlo, J. A, Thermomechanical behavior of ramic matrix composites in air at 950C.J. Am. Ceram. Soc. advanced SiC fiber multifilament tows. Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc. 1997,80.3268-3272. 1996,17,61-67 5. Lipetzky, P, Stoloff, N. S. and Dvorak, G. J, Atmospher 15. Larson, F.R. and Miller, J, A time-temperature relationship for effects on high-temperature lifetime of ceramic composites. rupture and creep stresses. Trans. ASME. 1952, 74. 765 Ceran. Eng. Sci. Proc., 1997, 18. 355-362. 16. Conway, J. B, Numerical methods for creep and rupture ana- 6. Verrilli, M. J, Calomino, A. M. and Brewer, D. N, Creep- lyses. Gordon and Breach, Science Publ, New York, pp. 155- pture behavior of a Nicalon/SiC composite echanical Test Methods and Behavior of Continuous-Fiber 17. Yun H. M. and DiCarlo, J. A, Time/ temperature dependent Ceramic Composites(ASTM STP 1309). ed M. G. Jenkins. s. T Gonczy, E. Lara-Curzio, N. E. Ashbaugh and L. Zawada. ASTM,1997,pp.158-175 IT,ed.NPBansal and J.P. Singh, 1996, pp 17-20 omposie tensile strength of Sic and AlO3-based fibers. In cerami Transactions. Vol. 74. Advances in Ceramic-Matrix 7. Steyer, T.E., Zok, F. W.and Walls, D. P, Stress rupture of an 18. Morscher, G. 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