蓝箭射手[东东FUN]江南Fanchongdong@etang.com【我的更多资料】BLOG:fun0.bloggs.nju.edu.cn 如何获取文献 〖蓝箭射手是我在网络上的名字其实我是东东,FUN→也是我:)〗 蓝箭射手江南 〖说明〗 搞研究的人离不开文献,可是很多院校未能购卖国内外商业数据库,如 PUBMED、 Elsevier 等,因而检索国外全文文献很复杂。就是一些中文的要是没有给银子,也会难得到原文,方 便的得到全文往往成为少数学校的专利。从网络上积累了一些资料,跟据自己平时的积累进 行了一些修改,写了这个文章,结果发表在南大BBS上很是得到欢迎,所以决心写的好一些 就进行了几次修改,把内容变的更为详细一些!不过个人的观点和经验有限,要是大家有好 的东东一定拿出来分享,与人同乐,真乐也! 1、根据作者E-mai地址,向作者索要。 这是最有效的方法之一。为了更方便大家向作者索取原文,但一定要简洁!一般都愿意 向你提供。如果作者有自己的主页,可以去作者的主页看看。不过一般查找作者的主页倒不 容易!记住你的信箱尽量大一点,否则一些大的文件搞不定 Dear Mr/Mrs (Author name I am a graduate student of Harbin Medical University in China. I major in (您 的专业). Recently, found one of your articles,tted (Title)in Medline found it may help me achieve my goals in this research field. This would make a really positive contribution to my work. I would like to be able to read the full text of this article The abstract makes the article sound very interesting. I know there is usually a fee required to obtain the full article from Medline; however, as a student, my only income is a small scholarship which is about U S$30.00 per month. I wonder if you would consider sending me the full text by Email. Perhaps you would consider this as an act of friendship between our two countries Thank you for your kind consideration of this request ( your name My Email address is: (your email) Date: Month/daylyear 利用搜索引擎 英文采用著名的搜索引擎,如 Lycos, HotBot, Yahoo,输入详细的关键词(一定要具有 特征性,防止搜索出太多的东西),末尾加PDF可能效果更好些。要是觉得不方便就到 wWw5660g进入后点搜索,里面收集了十多个引擎,足够你查的,不过一般百度和 google 比较好! Lycos也不错。关键词很重要,要掌握一些技巧,否则不是漏检就是眼前是个文件 PAO蓝箭射手[东东 FUN] 江南 Fanchongdong@etang.com【我的更多资料】BLOG:fun00.blog@bbs.nju.edu.cn PAGE: 1 如何获取文献 〖蓝箭射手是我在网络上的名字其实我是东东,FUN→也是我:)〗 蓝箭射手 江南 〖说明〗 搞研究的人离不开文献,可是很多院校未能购卖国内外商业数据库,如 PUBMED、ElseVier 等,因而检索国外全文文献很复杂。就是一些中文的要是没有给银子,也会难得到原文,方 便的得到全文往往成为少数学校的专利。从网络上积累了一些资料,跟据自己平时的积累进 行了一些修改,写了这个文章,结果发表在南大 BBS 上很是得到欢迎,所以决心写的好一些, 就进行了几次修改,把内容变的更为详细一些!不过个人的观点和经验有限,要是大家有好 的东东一定拿出来分享,与人同乐,真乐也! 1、根据作者 E-mail 地址,向作者索要。 这是最有效的方法之一。为了更方便大家向作者索取原文,但一定要简洁!一般都愿意 向你提供。如果作者有自己的主页,可以去作者的主页看看。不过一般查找作者的主页倒不 容易! 记住你的信箱尽量大一点,否则一些大的文件搞不定! Dear Mr./Mrs.: ________(Author name) I am a graduate student of Harbin Medical University in China. I major in "________"(您 的专业). Recently, I found one of your articles, titled "__________" (Title)in Medline. I found it may help me achieve my goals in this research field. This would make a really positive contribution to my work. I would like to be able to read the full text of this article. The abstract makes the article sound very interesting. I know there is usually a fee required to obtain the full article from Medline; however, as a student, my only income is a small scholarship which is about U S $30.00 per month. I wonder if you would consider sending me the full text by Email. Perhaps you would consider this as an act of friendship between our two countries. Thank you for your kind consideration of this request. Sincerely: ___________(your name) My Email address is: ____________________ (your email) Date:Month/day/year 利用搜索引擎: 英文采用著名的搜索引擎,如 Lycos,HotBot,Yahoo,输入详细的关键词(一定要具有 特征性,防止搜索出太多的东西),末尾加 PDF 可能效果更好些。要是觉得不方便就到 www.5566.org 进入后点搜索,里面收集了十多个引擎,足够你查的,不过一般百度和 google 比较好!Lycos 也不错。关键词很重要,要掌握一些技巧,否则不是漏检就是眼前是个文件