口超分子体系的种类 HIIGH △ M 笼状化合物 生体系 旋转体 (cage type system)(host-guest system) (rotaxanes system) A B C 联锁体 共价键联结的四元体系 (catenanes (covalently-linked molecular system) components) Fig 2 Schematic represention of five types of supramolecularspeciesL L L M L 笼状化合物 (cage type system) H G H 主客体系 (host-guest system) 旋转体 (rotaxanes system) 联锁体 (catenanes system) A B C D 共价键联结的四元体系 (covalently-linked molecular components) Fig.2. Schematic represention of five types of supramolecular species 超分子体系的种类