explaining the sentence shows that the author is being humorous here.Jesus Christ did everything with holy dignity,such as preaching and healing the sick. But when he was a newbom baby,and when he was lifted out of the straw manger,he cried just like other babies,without holy dignity,but with indignity Yet.because he was the holy Son of God.his indignity was holy.too. 21 I was Cinderella stepping from her pumpkin carriage.cartoon music filling the air:我成了Cinderella,从南瓜变成的马车走下来的时候,天空中回荡着令人 振奋的卡通音乐。In the fairy tale Cinderella was left alone in the kitchen while her stepmother and the two stepsisters had gone off to attend the dancing party given by the king.She felt very sad.At this moment her fairy godmother came She asked Cinderella to go into the garden and bring the largest pumpkin she could find.By magic the fairy godmother changed the pumpkin into a golden coach lined with white satin.Cinderella went to the party in the carriage,and she was the prettiest girl at the party.The young prince danced with her the whole night.In the end,the prince and Cinderella were happily married. Beyond reproach:无可指责,完美无缺reproach:.blame,.shame,disgrace Subsection 2(Paras.12-20) 22 Paras.12-20 form the second subsection of Part 2 of the story.In this part we leam that the mother was trying hard to train her daughter to be a genius.As the tests got more and more difficult,the daughter lost heart.She said,".something inside of me began to die.I hate the test,the raised hopes and failed expectations."She decided that she would not let her mother change her.This change of attitudes would lead to the gradual development of the conflict. 23 Good housekeeping-The magazine first appeared on May 2,1885,offering readers tips for running a home as well as stories and articles.It became extraordinarily popular.In1966 its readers numbered 5.5 million.Today Good housekeeping contains about home,food,fitness,beauty,health and family. 24 My mother got these maga-ines.assortment:1)From this we can see that the family was not well off.The mother had clean many houseseach week to help support the family 2)assortment::a group of mixed things(各式各样的东西),c.g.a rich assortment of goods(一批花色齐全的货物),a rich assortment of books on the shelf(书架上五花八门 的书) 25 finding the queen of hearts in a deck of cards-一】)在一副纸牌中找出红桃皇后 2)hearts:suit of playing cards marked with heart figures in red.deck explaining the sentence shows that the author is being humorous here. Jesus Christ did everything with holy dignity, such as preaching and healing the sick. But when he was a newborn baby, and when he was lifted out of the straw manger, he cried just like other babies, without holy dignity, but with indignity. Yet, because he was the holy Son of God, his indignity was holy, too. 21 I was Cinderella stepping from her pumpkin carriage.cartoon music filling the air: 我成了 Cinderella,从南瓜变成的马车走下来的时候,天空中回荡着令人 振奋的卡通音乐。In the fairy tale Cinderella was left alone in the kitchen while her stepmother and the two stepsisters had gone off to attend the dancing party given by the king. She felt very sad. At this moment her fairy godmother came. She asked Cinderella to go into the garden and bring the largest pumpkin she could find. By magic the fairy godmother changed the pumpkin into a golden coach lined with white satin. Cinderella went to the party in the carriage, and she was the prettiest girl at the party. The young prince danced with her the whole night. In the end, the prince and Cinderella were happily married. Beyond reproach: 无可指责,完美无缺 reproach: blame, shame,disgrace Subsection 2 (Paras. 12—20 ) 22 Paras. 12—20 form the second subsection of Part 2 of the story. In this part we learn that the mother was trying hard to train her daughter to be a genius. As the tests got more and more difficult, the daughter lost heart. She said,”.something inside of me began to die. I hate the test, the raised hopes and failed expectations.” She decided that she would not let her mother change her. This change of attitudes would lead to the gradual development of the conflict. 23 Good housekeeping—The magazine first appeared on May 2,1885, offering readers tips for running a home as well as stories and articles. It became extraordinarily popular. In 1966 its readers numbered 5.5 million. Today Good housekeeping contains about home, food, fitness, beauty, health and family. 24 My mother got these magazines. assortment: 1) From this we can see that the family was not well off. The mother had clean many houses each week to help support the family. 2) assortment: a group of mixed things(各式各样的东西),e.g. a rich assortment of goods (一批花色齐全的货物); a rich assortment of books on the shelf (书架上五花八门 的书 ) 25 finding the queen of hearts in a deck of cards—1) 在一副纸牌中找出红桃皇后 来 2) hearts: suit of playing cards marked with heart figures in red. deck:
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