1.Concept of international avoidance and evasion of taxation; 2 Methods of international avoidance and evasion of taxation 3 Countermeasures of international avoidance and evasion of taxation Section 1 General Introduction 1.1 Concept of International Avoidance and Evasion of Taxation .3 Harm o International Avoidance and Evasion of Taxation idance ar vasion 2.1M83 ce an d on asion of Taxation i y national Avoidance International S ection 3 Cou easures of International Avoidance and Evasion of Taxation 3.1 General Countermeasures of Domestic Laws 3.2 Special Countermeasures of Domestic Laws 3.3 Countermeasures of International Laws Chapter 23 Gng mber of class hour:1 Aim and Reg Let the students learn the main ways to settle the disputes in international transactions and economic relations Key Points and Difficult Points: 1.Civil action concerning foreian interests 2.International Commercial Arbitration; 3.WTO disputes settlement mechanism. Knowledge Structure: 1.General introduction to the international economic disputes settlement; 2.Main ways of settlement 3.WTO disputes settlement mechanism ction 1 Consultation,Conciliation(Mediation)and Action ction ci cerning foreign inte sts) 21 Concept acteristics and Kinds of Arbitration 2.2 Arbitrai Ag nent 2.3 Rules of Governing Law of Arbitration 2.4 Recognition and Enforcement(Execution)of Foreign Arbitral Awards w York Convention Chapter 24 ternation nt Arbitration Institutions and Their Rule ited Nati h21 n on m a 50 2 Ar ommerc Chapter 25 Reai an t Arbitration Institutions outes (ICSID) mited) Section 1 Fore nStates'Arbitration Institution s and the Rules Section 2 China's Arbitration Institutions and the Rules1.Concept of international avoidance and evasion of taxation; 2.Methods of international avoidance and evasion of taxation; 3.Countermeasures of international avoidance and evasion of taxation Section 1 General Introduction ⒈1 Concept of International Avoidance and Evasion of Taxation ⒈2 Causes of International Avoidance and Evasion of Taxation ⒈3 Harm of International Avoidance and Evasion of Taxation Section 2 Basic Ways of International Avoidance and Evasion of Taxation ⒉1 Main ways of International Evasion of Taxation ⒉2 Main ways of International Avoidance International Section 3 Countermeasures of International Avoidance and Evasion of Taxation ⒊1 General Countermeasures of Domestic Laws ⒊2 Special Countermeasures of Domestic Laws ⒊3 Countermeasures of International Laws Part Six Legal System of the International Economic Dispute Settlement Chapter 23 General Introduction Number of class hour: 1 Aim and Requirement: Let the students learn the main ways to settle the disputes in international transactions and economic relations. Key Points and Difficult Points: 1.Civil action concerning foreign interests; 2.International Commercial Arbitration; 3.WTO disputes settlement mechanism. Knowledge Structure: 1.General introduction to the international economic disputes settlement; 2.Main ways of settlement 3.WTO disputes settlement mechanism Section 1 Consultation, Conciliation ( Mediation) and Action ⒈1 Consultation ⒈2 Conciliation ⒈3 Action (civil action concerning foreign interests) Section 2 International Commercial Arbitration ⒉1 Concept ,Characteristics and Kinds of Arbitration ⒉2 Arbitral Agreement ⒉3 Rules of Governing Law of Arbitration ⒉4 Recognition and Enforcement(Execution) of Foreign Arbitral Awards New York Convention Chapter 24 International Permanent Arbitration Institutions and Their Rules(ommited) Section 1 Arbitration Rules of United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Section 2 Arbitration Rules of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Section 3 Arbitration Rules of International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) Chapter 25 Regional Permanent Arbitration Institutions and Their Rules(ommited) Section 1 Foreign States’ Arbitration Institutions and the Rules Section 2 China’s Arbitration Institutions and the Rules
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