Moil QQ邮箱3089130 mailqg.com邮首设置换肤 邮件全文搜索 Arrangement for macro presentation. 收y 件入: Jason888113ason891104com>查看添加 件人: Daniyar Kurishbayev<da 附件:2个(回 CPI PPI china xk E 草稿箱(5) As for our presentation we have two weeks left ould like to make a schedule so as to ensure we can fininsh it in time. p 已刪涂 carefully 垃圾箱(3)请空 1. ready the data i told before this weekend. By saturday 12: 00 and please mail it to me 我的文件夹 2. prepare for the speech and ready your draft before 12. 27th 12: 00 and mail it to me including the sentence you would like to Thank the structure of our presentation temporary is like this(f you have any good suggestion, please let me know. 记事本 PART 1: introduction or define of inflation and unemploment rate. what cause inflation, unemployment rate depend on what fac 文件中转站速 minutes 朴亨奎dot you 阅读空间(78) PART 2: the data showing and analyse. (in my opinion other groups will do in a very professional way thus it will be extremly bo choose a way to preform it a quite relaxing way to show the data you collected and according to your own expreience, tell the ur motherland. attention, the point is to show your country's situation and your ul about inflation and unemployment rate before you come china.)15 minutes-朴亨奎and戴dotBy￾E n d Thank you
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