the other hand,the explosive growth of industry,especially the textile industry,brought hundreds of thousands of women into factory jobs.Women now were able to walk out of the home,to share part of the responsibility of men and help support the family,and,at the same time,were entering into social services. However,the only occupation for unmarried middle-class women would be teachers or governesses to some families,a position that could expect no security from employment,minimal wages,and a status not higher that ofa domestic slave. 1.the first period 1832-1848:time oftrouble: a.The passing of the Reform Bill of 1832 increased the political rights of the industrialists and middle class,e.g.in parliament expanding vote rights to all males owning to. property worth ten pounds or more and by taking away the vote rights of the old depopulated aristocratic areas and giving franchise to the new industrial areas.This broke up the monopoly of power that the conservative landowners had so long enjoyed (the Tory party had been in office almost continuously from 1783 until 1830)The Reform Bill representsthe beginning ofa new age. b.Yet this celebrated piece of legislation could hardly be expected to solve all the social,economic and politicalthe other hand, the explosive growth of industry, especially the textile industry, brought hundreds of thousands of women into factory jobs. Women now were able to walk out of the home, to share part of the responsibility of men and help support the family, and, at the same time, were entering into social services. However, the only occupation for unmarried middle-class women would be teachers or governesses to some families, a position that could expect no security from employment, minimal wages, and a status not higher that of a domestic slave. 1. the first period 1832—1848: time of trouble: a. The passing of the Reform Bill of 1832 increased the political rights of the industrialists and middle class, e.g. in parliament expanding vote rights to all males owning property worth ten pounds or more and by taking away the vote rights of the old depopulated aristocratic areas and giving franchise to the new industrial areas. This broke up the monopoly of power that the conservative landowners had so long enjoyed (the Tory party had been in office almost continuously from 1783 until 1830) The Reform Bill represents the beginning of a new age. b. Yet this celebrated piece of legislation could hardly be expected to solve all the social, economic and political 10’
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