ovember 2006 Oxide Fiber Composites 3323 Acknowledgment 2R. S. Hay and E. Boakye, "Monazite Coatings on Fibers: L, Effect of Tem- ork from Carlos G. Levi, George Jefferson, Hiroki Fujita. Jared H. Weaver, James Yang. and Michael A. Mattoni 3OE. Boakye, R S. Hay, P Mogilevsky, and L. M. Douglas, "Monazite Coat- Coating Without Strength Degradation, "J.Am. Ceram. Soc., 84[1212793-801(2001) Ret ferences Lions: I. Expe Am.Cerm.Soe,82,1817-25(1999 K.A. Keller. T Mah. T.A. sarath Ee Robinson, D. S. Fox DS and N.S. Jacobson. M. K. Cinibulk. ""SiC Recession Caused by SiO, Scale Volatility Under Combustion Conditions After Long-Term Exposure at High Temperature. "J. Am. Ceram Soc, 86[2]325- Il. Thermodynamics and Gaseous Diffusion Model, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 82 J. H. Weaver. J.Y. Yang. C. G. Levi, F. w. Zok, and J B. Davis."A Method N.S. Jacobson, E J. Opila, and K. N. Lee, " Oxidation and Corrosion of Ceramics and Ceramic Matrix Composites, " Curr Opin. Solid State. Mater o D. B. Marshall and P AlO3 and LaPOa "J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 19, 2421-6 J. Kerans, R.S. Hay, T.A. Parthasarathy, and M. K. Cinibulk "Interface Design for Oxidation-Resistant Ceramic Composites, J. Am. Ceram. Soc, 85 nd Testing on an F1l0 Turbo- c,83,1727- ul, F. F. Lange, and A G. Evans, ""Concept for a Damage-Tolerant erface Between Ceramic Composite With Strong Interfaces, J. Am. Cera. Soc.. 79[2]41 Dissimilar Elastic Materials. Int J Solids Struct. 25 [9)1053-67(1989). F. Zok, F. F. Lange, and J.R. Porter. ""Packing Density of Composite Powder A. Szwed. M. L. Millard. and M. G. Harrison."Fiber Reinfe 74[S]188U Ceramic Matrix Composites and Method for Making U.S. Patent 5.60 J. Y. Yang, M. Mattoni, and J. P. A. Lofvander of Stable porous matrices for All-Oxide Ceramic Co F. F. Lange, w. C. Tu, and A. G. Evans, ""Processing of Damage-Tolerant. posites, "Z. Metallkd. 90[12]1037-47 Oxidation Resistant Ceramic-Matrix Cor a Precursor Infiltration and Fujita. G. Jefferson, C G. Levi, and F. w. Zok, " Pyrolysis Method, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 195, 145-50(1995) Properties of Porous Mullite/ Alumina Mixtures Via Precursor-Derived Alumina, &C.G. Levi. J. Y. Yang. B. J. Dalgleish. F W. Zok, and A.G. Evans, "Pro- J.Am. Ceran.Soc,882]367-7502005 cessing and Performance of an All-Oxide Ceramic Composite. " J. An. Ceram 407-18 in ASM Intermalonae ysis of Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites".Pp te,X.Y Gong. J Y Yang U Ramamurty, and F. w. Zok,""In- nd edition, ASM International, Materials Park, OH 20 Plane m an All-Oxide Ceramic Composite 4-H. Fujita, G. Jefferson, R. M. MeMeeking, and F. W. Zok, "Mullite-Alumin Soe,820]272l-301999 orous matrices in o IB. Kanka and H Schneider, "Aluminosilicate Fiber/Mullite Mullite Compos- ites With Favorable High-Temperature Properties. "J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 20 so:87261-7(04 ance of porous- Matrix 619-23(2000 A. Mattoni, J. Y. Yang. C. G. Levi, and F. w. Zok, ""Effects of Matrix M. F Ashby, "A First Report on Sintering Diagrams, Acta Metall, 22 [3 Mechanical Prop a Porous-Matrix, All-Oxide Ceramic 5-89(1974) Composite. J. A. Ceram. Soc., 84. 2594-602(2001). R. M. German. "Fundamentals of 2609 in Ceramics and 2E. A. V. Carelli, H. Fujita, J. Y. Yang. and F. W. Zok. "Effects of Thermal Glasses. Engineered Materials Handhook. Vol. 4. ASM International Materials Aging on the Mechanical Properties of a Porous-Matrix Ceramic Composite, Park, OH (199 4K. Walton. "The EfTective Elastic Moduli of a Random Packing of Spheres," B. Davis, J. P. A. Lofvander. A. G. Evans, E. Bischoff and M. L. Emiliani J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 35[2]213-26(1987). Fiber Coating Concepts for Brittle-Matrix Composites, "JAm. Cera. Soc. < 4TG. Jefferson, G. K. Haritos, and R. M. MeMeeking, "The ELastic Response of J: Mackin, J. Y. Yang C.G. Levi and A. G. Evans. Environmentally action,".Mech. Phys. Solids, 5011212539-75(2002). Sintered Alumina": Pp. 345-56 in Sintering of Advanced Ceramics, Edited by C.A. A G. Evans and F w. Zok, " The Physics and Mechanics of Fibre-Reinforced cer, J. E. Blendell, and w. Kaysser. American Ceramic Society, West- 4K. L. Johnson, Contact Mechanics. Cambridge University Press,Cambridge facial Carbon Coatings for Oxide/Oxide Composites, "Ceram. Eng. Sci. Proc. 14 878-79(199 D. B. Marshall and w.c. oliver."Measurement of Interfacial mechanical K. A. Keller, T. Mah, T.A. Parthasarathy, and C. M. Cooke, " Fugitive Properties in Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Composites, "J.Am. Ceram. Soc., 70 [8] tes. Am Ceram Soc p2329-36(2000 SJ. H. Weaver, J. Rannou, M. A. Mattoni, and F. W. Zok, "Inter 3J. B. Davis, J. P.A. Lofvander, A G. Evans, E. Bischoff and M. L.Emiliani. 的x1号 anceps tor snue manx comp,mcm, R.A. Jur utner,""Advances in Oxide-Oxide CMC. J. Eng Gas D. M. Wilson. ""Statistical Tensile Strength of Nextel 610 and Nextel 720 rb. Power,12221202-502000 A. Kramb R. John and L P. Zawada LP. " Notched Fracture Behavior of Fibres. " J. Mater. Sci, 32[10] 2535-42(1997). an Oxide/Oxide Ceramic-Matrix Composite. J An. Ceram Soc., 82[11]3087-96 E SL. P. Zawada. R S. Hay, S.S. Lee, and J Staehler, "Characterization and arshall, P. E.D. Morgan, R. M. Housley, and JT Cheung, ""High High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of an Oxide/Oxide Composite. "J.Am. Temperature Stability of the AlyOr-LaPO. System. "J. eam.Soc,81团 SA. G. Evans and F w Zok."The Ph 2DBMm如 B. Davis, P. E. D. Morgan,叫果 Porter,Interface Brittle Matrix Compand E.W.zok."Strength ar则N由epp R.S. Hay, "Monazite and Scheelite Deformation Mechanisms. " Ceram. En Z. Suo, S. Ho, and X. Gong, "Notch Ductile-to-Brittle Transition Due to Sci.Proe,21203-28(2000 Localized Inelastic Band, "J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 115 []319-26(1993). 23. B. Davis, R S. Hay, DB. Marshall. P. E. D Morgan, and ASayir,"In- -Y. He B. Wu and Z. Suo."Notc nd Shear Bands in Britt Matrix Composites, Acta Metall. Mater, 42[9]3065-70(1994). D.-H. Kuo and w.M. Kriven, " Characterization of Yttrium Phosphate and a cations for Fracture in Composites, "Int J. Solids Struct, 28[2]235-48 Yurium Phosphate/Y atrium Aluminate Laminate. "J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 78 [11] yMGCain,R.L.Cain,A.Tye,P.Rian,MH.Lewis,andJGemt,"Struture Fracture Specimens for comm it Fan, The Role of Material Orthotr and Stability of Synthetic Interphases in CMCs, " Key Eng. Mater. 127-131, 37-49 ior of Severa (1997) Ceram. En M. H. Lewis, A. Tye, E. G. Butler, and P. A Doleman, Oxide CMCs: In- "ol shaizero. pp gi. cha haralambides, and A. G. Evans. ""Delamination Cracking terphase Synthesis and Novel Fibre Development, "J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 20, 639- in a Laminated Ceramic-Matrix Composite. J. Am. Ceran. Soc., 73[7] 19364 6S. M. Spearing and A G. Evans. "The Role of Fiber Bridging in the Delam- Sow, 2 i9 2x32-31 regerors: Monazite Coatings on Nextel 720,.Am. Ceram 2191-9(1992)Acknowledgment The author gratefully acknowledges important contributions to this work from Carlos G. Levi, George Jefferson, Hiroki Fujita, Jared H. Weaver, James Yang, and Michael A. Mattoni. References 1 R. C. Robinson and J. L. Smialek, ‘‘SiC Recession Caused by SiO2 Scale Volatility Under Combustion Conditions: I. Experimental Results and Empirical Model,’’ J Am. Ceram. Soc., 82, 1817–25 (1999). 2 E. J. Opila, J. L. Smialek, R. C. Robinson, D. S. Fox DS, and N. S. Jacobson, ‘‘SiC Recession Caused by SiO2 Scale Volatility Under Combustion Conditions: II. Thermodynamics and Gaseous Diffusion Model,’’ J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 82, 1826–34 (1999). 3 N. S. Jacobson, E. J. Opila, and K. N. Lee, ‘‘Oxidation and Corrosion of Ceramics and Ceramic Matrix Composites,’’ Curr. Opin. Solid State.Mater. Sci., 5, 301–9 (2001). 4 R. J. Kerans, R. S. Hay, T. A. Parthasarathy, and M. K. Cinibulk, ‘‘Interface Design for Oxidation-Resistant Ceramic Composites,’’ J. Am. Ceram. 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