⑧ Course information Credits:2 2 classes /week,18 weeks TA:路斯瑶 Textbook:《软件测试》,Paul C.Jorgensen, 韩柯,机械工业出版社,2002 Reference book: The grade of the course will be determined as follows:50%final exam,40% project,10%class. >校长办公室 >Office of the President¾校长办公室 ¾Office of the President Course information Credits: 2 2 classes /week, 18 weeks TA: 路斯瑶 Textbook:《软件测试》, Paul C. Jorgensen, 韩柯,机械工业出版社,2002 Reference book: The grade of the course will be determined as follows: , 50% final exam, 40% project,10% class