purse by arich'young man ofgood family'is placed beside the theft of a silver cigarette case from the rich man's father's house by'a poordevil',with very differentrepercussions[2]-became a success,and he followed it up with The Man of Property(1906), the first in the Forsyte trilogy.Although he continued writing both playsand novels,it was as a playwright that he was mainly appreciated at the time.Along with those ofother writersofthe time,such as George Bernard Shaw,his plays addressed the class system and social issues,twoofthe best known beingStrife (1909)and The Skin Game(1920). He is now far better known for his novels,particularly The Forsyte Saga,his trilogy about the eponymous family and connected lives.These books,as with many ofhis other works, deal with social class,upper-middleclass lives in particular. Although sympatheticto his characters,he highlights their insular,snobbish,and acquisitive attitudes and their suffocating moral codes.He is viewed as one ofthe first writers ofthe Edwardianera who challenged some of the ideals of society depicted in the preceding literature of Victorian England.The woman inan unhappy marriage furnishes nother recurringtheme in his work.The character ofIrene in The Forsytepurse by a rich 'young man of good family' is placed beside the theft of a silver cigarette case from the rich man's father's house by 'a poor devil', with very different repercussions[2]- became a success, and he followed it up with The Man of Property (1906), the first in the Forsyte trilogy. Although he continued writing both plays and novels, it was as a playwright that he was mainly appreciated at the time. Along with those of other writers of the time, such as George Bernard Shaw, his plays addressed the class system and social issues, two of the best known being Strife (1909) and The Skin Game (1920). He is now far better known for his novels, particularly The Forsyte Saga, his trilogy about the eponymous family and connected lives. These books, as with many of his other works, deal with social class, upper-middle class lives in particular. Although sympathetic to his characters, he highlights their insular, snobbish, and acquisitive attitudes and their suffocating moral codes. He is viewed as one of the first writers of the Edwardian era who challenged some of the ideals of society depicted in the preceding literature of VictorianEngland. The depiction of a woman in an unhappy marriage furnishes another recurring theme in his work. The character of Irene in The Forsyte
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