教 案 课程名称 英因文学 授课专业及层次 授课内容 Lecture one: Introduction to literature 学时数 2 To let the students see the significance of literature; 教学目的 To the studentshave the generalimpres sion of British literature To let the students get basic knowledge of British literature 重点 To get to know the general clue of British literary history To get to know the important British writers and literary works 难点 To get to know some key terms 自学内容 Additional reading materials about the western cultural background 使用教具 Projector,audio-video machine 相关学科知识 Western culture and general Literary theories Open questions and answers in class 教学法Class discussion and analysis 讲授内容纲要、要求及时间分配 General Introductionon Literature 1.0 Introduction to the major literary categories 1.1 Fiction Definition:fiction created from the imagination,not presented as fact,though it may base on a true story or situation. ▲Elements Plot:a sequence of interrelated actionsand events Five stages of plot:exposition,complication,crisis falling action and resolution. Characters:the people in fiction 5 Types ofcharacters:protagonist vs.antagonist教 案 课程名称 英国文学 授课专业及层次 授课内容 Lecture one: Introduction to literature 学时数 2 教学目的 To let the students see the significance of literature; To let the students have the general impression of British literature. To let the students get basic knowledge of British literature 重 点 To get to know the general clue of British literary history To get to know the important British writers and literary works 难 点 To get to know some key terms To know some methods for literary appreciation and criticism 自学内容 Additional reading materials about the western cultural background 使用教具 Projector, audio-video machine 相关学科知识 Western culture and general Literary theories 教 学 法 Open questions and answers in class Class discussion and analysis 讲授内容纲要、要求及时间分配 General Introduction on Literature 1.0 Introduction to the major literary categories 1.1 Fiction ▲ Definition: fiction created from the imagination, not presented as fact, though it may base on a true story or situation. ▲ Elements Plot: a sequence of interrelated actions and events. Five stages of plot: exposition, complication, crisis, falling action and resolution. Characters: the people in fiction Types of characters: protagonist vs. antagonist 5’ 5’
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