ASHGATE RESEARCH COMPANION Notes on Contributors Robert Bares is a Lecturer in History at York St John University.His articles have appeared in the Journal of Strategic Studies,the Journal of Korean Studies and The Korean War at Sixty.He has a monograph titled The US,the UN and the Korean War published in Spring 2014. Bruce E.Bechtol Jr.is Associate Professor of Political Science at Angelo State University and President of the International Council of Korean Studies.He is author of four books, most recently North Korea and Regional Security in the Kim Jong-un Era:A New International Security Dilemma,and more than 30 articles. Donald W.Boose,Jr.,a retired U.S.Army Colonel whose career included many East Asia strategy and policy positions,teaches at the U.S.Army War College.He is the author of Over the Beach:Army Amphibious Operations in the Korean War and U.S.Army Forces in the Korean War. Steven Casey is Professor in International History at the London School of Economics.He is author of Selling the Korean War:Propaganda,Politics and Public Opinion,which won the Truman Book Award,and most recently When Soldiers Fall:How Americans have Debated Combat Casualties,from World War I to Afghanistan. Robert M.Collins is a 37-year veteran employee of the U.S.Department of Defense and served for 31 years in various positions with the U.S.military in Korea,specializing in political analysis of North Korea.He is currently a Non-Resident Fellow at the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea. Conrad C.Crane is currently Chief of Historical Services for the U.S.Army Heritage and Education Center at the U.S.Army War College.Previously,he was Director of the U.S.Army Military History Institute.A retired U.S.Army officer,Crane has written and lectured widely on airpower and landpower. William M.Donnelly,a historian at the U.S.Army Center of Military History,received his doctorate from The Ohio State University.He is the author of several books and articles on the post-World War II U.S.Army,including Under Army Orders:The Army National Guard During the Korean War. Paul M.Edwards eamned his doctorate in history at the University of St.Andrews(Scotland) and is Professor Emeritus at Graceland University.Founding director and Senior Fellow at the Center for the Study of the Korean War,Independence,Missouri,he has written or edited numerous books on the Korean War
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