deefinpring ncmc)rcri 2eea-Quiz Il 6. ni t( Q 15. e dd an explicit fn sst f met hod to Folders so that these oLHects M ill noM return the total numler of sheet s in t he documents it contail Wit h t hat changeo suppose M e again eAluate (define doc1 (create-document >doc1 10)) (define doc2 (create-document 'doc2 100)) (define folder1 (create-folder >folder 1)) (ask folder1 'add-thing doc1 (ask folder1 'add-thing doc2) (define cab (create-cabinet 'cab)) (ask cab 'add-thing folder1) What is the Alue of each of the folloW ing expressions assuming they are eValuated in the order shoM n?(Write Qipec for unspecified error for erroroor procedQe for a procedure Alue. 6. nita Q 16.(asT folder( Cfnsstf 6. nita Q 17(asT caL [fnsstf￾       ￾5 ￾  )   <  )  % % ) )% 0 1% , ,  )  0  %)%  ) %  %! :) ) )& %% ,  -2  ￾ ￾  ￾ ￾   ￾ ￾  ￾ ￾     ￾           ￾      ￾  ￾ ￾  ￾ ￾  ￾     :) % ) -  )  ) , <%%%& %% ).  -  )  %),I ?: ￾  %=&    &   ￾     -!B ￾  %) ?%/ ￾ 3B ￾  &) ?%/ 0 3B
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