Activation of B Cells by T-independent Antigen Binding to Slg Antigen king of ● L-1:L-2 BCGFs/BCDFS Resting B Cell Triggers Cell Division Activated B Cell Proliferation BCDFs 1g6 sunthesis occurs 62… Memory g class switch occurs Ig class switch occu earamlitetg produce high-affinity lg rise Nonspecific antigen processing cells (APCs)take up antigen in the lymphoid centers like spleen or lymph nodes through a process called phagocytosis.The antigen becomes internalized and is processed.Different determinants are returned to the cell surface.Antigenic determinants are presented by the APC to THcells which in turn help stimulate the B cells divide and differentiate into clones of B cells.The displayed determinant are associated with major histocompatibility comple (MHC) class II antigens,and then presented to T lymphocytes by way of TCR.The APCs display antigens that possess two domains.The first is an epitope capable of binding to the paratope of TH cell receptor (TCR).The second is agrotope that is intimately associated with a class II MHC molecule.The TCR consist of transmembrane proteins that bind antigen.The TCR is noncovalently associated with five additional integral membrane proteins.Nonspecific antigen processing cells (APCs) take up antigen in the lymphoid centers like spleen or lymph nodes through a process called phagocytosis . The antigen becomes internalized and is processed. Different determinants are returned to the cell surface. Antigenic determinants are presented by the APC to THcells which in turn help stimulate the B cells divide and differentiate into clones of B cells. The displayed determinant are associated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigens, and then presented to T lymphocytes by way of TCR. The APCs display antigens that possess two domains. The first is an epitope capable of binding to the paratope of TH cell receptor (TCR). The second is agrotope that is intimately associated with a class II MHC molecule. The TCR consist of transmembrane proteins that bind antigen. The TCR is noncovalently associated with five additional integral membrane proteins
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