Chapter 20 Gauss s law 第八章静电场 3)The quantity E on the left side of above equation is the electric field resulting from all charges, both those inside and those outside the gaussian surface E为高斯面上某点的场强,是由空间所有电荷产生 的,与面内面外电荷都有关。 4)Gausss law and coulomb's law are equivalent(see P496). However, Gauss's law is hold for the eproduced by moving charges; Coulomb's law is only true for electrostatic field 5It give a simple way to calculate the distribution of electric field for a given charge distribution with sufficient symmetryChapter 20 Gauss’s Law 第八章静电场 3) The quantity on the left side of above equation is the electric field resulting from all charges, both those inside and those outside the Gaussian surface. E  为高斯面上某点的场强,是由空间所有电荷产生 的,与面内面外电荷都有关。 E  5) It give a simpl e way to cal culate the distribution of electric field for a given charge distribution with sufficient symmetry. 4) Gauss’s Law and Coulomb’s law are equivalent (see P496). However, Gauss’s Law is hold for the produced by moving charges; Coulomb’s law is only true for electrostatic field. E 
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