TAKING A LOOK AT TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION New Tech Network 2861 ativeh hof the that nng than their regular hig through an alternative instructional approach will help them to become creators leaders and tomorrow's productive citizens New Tech Network advocates learning environments that provide student-centered settings in which Problem-ased leaming enes r lents and teachers have ownership of their leaming .owgsihtegatedhnouetoathemtielteamne experiences The goal is to provide students with an integrated curriculun that focuseson critical thinking.colaboration,and problem soving as vehicles to leaming.They have the data to demonstrate that their ideas are working,with graduation rates that are significantly Technology and media are good sources for gathering higher than the national averages.Also,more of the graduates from information prior to classroom activities. conduct jont leaming projects that engage students from varied locations in working togethe to solve a common problem.Teachers can also participate in topical discussions with groups focused on key educational issues.Other possibilities include the opportunity to manage or attend online courses,mentor other educators,or try out new ideas in a safe,supportive environment. The teacher is no longer the source of knowledge,standing and delivering as in earlier school models.Rather,the teacher designs learning situations that focus on engaging learners in active leamning experiences while developing their knowledge,understanding,and abil- ity to use knowledge to generate new ideas.As a teacher,you will design lessons,consider- ing the NETS-T(www.iste.org/standards/nets-for-teachers)and NETS-S standards(www.iste .org/standards/nets-for-students)and the resources available to students in order to facilitate moving students toward critical thinking,collaboration,and creativity.Technology and media provide the valuable resources that teachers and students can use to achieve the learning out- comes while engaging in those higher-order thinking arenas.In other words,you can"flip"your classroom by having your students explore the content through media and technology prior to coming to the classroom where you can engage them in applying that knowledge to real-world situations. MEETING LEARNER NEEDS you instruction;every you do in the to help your stude arning out The more v ou unde stand their levels of ing and th it will be for you to address ways to help them learn.Whe making instructional decisions your goal is to find ways to ensure success.Decide on the strategy or strategies you wil use,the technology and media that will offer the best sup- port,and how you will assess students'learning progress. Designing and Assessing 21st Century Leaming 27 Designing and Assessing 21st Century Learning 27 Taking a Look at Technology Integration New Tech Network Started in California, the New Tech Network is a national initiative to develop innovative high schools. It is an outgrowth of the philosophy that empowering students through an alternative instructional approach will help them to become creators, leaders, and tomorrow’s productive citizens. New Tech Network advocates learning environments that provide student-centered settings in which • Problem-based learning engageslearners • Students and teachers haveownership of their learning experiences • Technology isintegrated throughout theentirelearning experiences The goal is to provide students with an integrated curriculum that focuses on critical thinking, collaboration, and problem solving as vehicles to learning. They have the data to demonstrate that their ideas are working, with graduation rates that are significantly higher than the national averages. Also, more of the graduates from New Tech high schools pursue careers in mathematics, science, and engineering than their regular high school peers. Technology and media are good sources for gathering information prior to classroom activities. conduct joint learning projects that engage students from varied locations in working together to solve a common problem. Teachers can also participate in topical discussions with groups focused on key educational issues. Other possibilities include the opportunity to manage or attend online courses, mentor other educators, or try out new ideas in a safe, supportive environment. The teacher is no longer the source of knowledge, standing and delivering as in earlier school models. Rather, the teacher designs learning situations that focus on engaging learners in active learning experiences while developing their knowledge, understanding, and abil￾ity to use knowledge to generate new ideas. As a teacher, you will design lessons, consider￾ing the NETS- T (www.iste.org/standards/nets- for- teachers) and NETS- S standards (www.iste .org/standards/nets-for-students) and the resources available to students in order to facilitate moving students toward critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. Technology and media provide the valuable resources that teachers and students can use to achieve the learning out￾comes while engaging in those higher- order thinking arenas. In other words, you can “flip” your classroom by having your students explore the content through media and technology prior to coming to the classroom where you can engage them in applying that knowledge to real-world situations. Meeting Learner Needs Your students are the focus of your instruction; everything you do in the classroom is designed to help your students meet the intended learning outcomes. The more you under￾stand their levels of learning and their interests, the easier it will be for you to address ways to help them learn. When making instructional decisions your goal is to find ways to ensure success. Decide on the strategy or strategies you will use, the technology and media that will offer the best sup￾port, and how you will assess students’ learning progress. Teachers guide students in their effective use of technology to support learning. M02_SMAL4150_01_SE_C02.indd 27 2/7/14 8:37 AM
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