工程科学学报 Chinese Journal of Engineering 铝电解槽废阴极炭块电热耦合处理过程数值棋拟 卢婷婷李荣斌赵洪亮谢明壮刘风琴 Numerical simulation of electro-thermal coupling process for spent cathode carbon block from aluminum electrolysis cell LU Ting-ting,LI Rong-bin,ZHAO Hong-liang.XIE Ming-zhuang.LIU Feng-qin 引用本文: 卢婷婷,李荣斌,赵洪亮,谢明壮,刘风琴.铝电解槽废阴极炭块电热耦合处理过程数值模拟.工程科学学报,2020,42(6): 731-738.doi:10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.06.10.002 LU Ting-ting.LI Rong-bin,ZHAO Hong-liang,XIE Ming-zhuang.LIU Feng-qin.Numerical simulation of electrothermal coupling process for spent cathode carbon block from aluminum electrolysis cell[J].Chinese Journal of Engineering,2020,42(6):731-738. doi10.13374/1.issn2095-9389.2019.06.10.002 在线阅读View online:https::/doi.org10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.06.10.002 您可能感兴趣的其他文章 Articles you may be interested in 热冷循环下外墙外保温系统耐候性能数值模拟 Numerical simulation of the weathering performance of an exterior wall external insulation system under heating-cooling cycles 工程科学学报.2018,40(6:754htps:/ldoi.org10.13374.issn2095-9389.2018.06.014 铌硅基高温合金定向凝固铸造温度场模拟计算 Temperature field simulation in directional solidification casting of NbSi based alloys 工程科学学报.优先发表https:doi.org/10.13374j.issn2095-9389.2019.10.02.001 结晶器旋转数值模拟及对高速钢电渣锭碳化物的影响 Numerical simulation of mold rotation and its effect on carbides in HSS ESR ingot 工程科学学报.2020.42(4:516 https:/ldoi.org10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.07.07.001 基于多场耦合碳/碳复合材料传热及烧蚀响应研究 Study on heat transfer and ablation of carbon/carbon composites based on multi-field coupling 工程科学学报.优先发表htps:doi.org10.13374.issn2095-9389.2019.06.30.002 连铸坯脱氢退火数值模拟研究 Numerical Simulation of Dehydrogenation Annealing in Bloom 工程科学学报.优先发表htps:/1doi.org/10.13374j.issn2095-9389.2020.03.16.003铝电解槽废阴极炭块电热耦合处理过程数值模拟 卢婷婷 李荣斌 赵洪亮 谢明壮 刘风琴 Numerical simulation of electro−thermal coupling process for spent cathode carbon block from aluminum electrolysis cell LU Ting-ting, LI Rong-bin, ZHAO Hong-liang, XIE Ming-zhuang, LIU Feng-qin 引用本文: 卢婷婷, 李荣斌, 赵洪亮, 谢明壮, 刘风琴. 铝电解槽废阴极炭块电热耦合处理过程数值模拟[J]. 工程科学学报, 2020, 42(6): 731-738. doi: 10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.06.10.002 LU Ting-ting, LI Rong-bin, ZHAO Hong-liang, XIE Ming-zhuang, LIU Feng-qin. Numerical simulation of electrothermal coupling process for spent cathode carbon block from aluminum electrolysis cell[J]. Chinese Journal of Engineering, 2020, 42(6): 731-738. doi: 10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.06.10.002 在线阅读 View online: https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.06.10.002 您可能感兴趣的其他文章 Articles you may be interested in 热冷循环下外墙外保温系统耐候性能数值模拟 Numerical simulation of the weathering performance of an exterior wall external insulation system under heating-cooling cycles 工程科学学报. 2018, 40(6): 754 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2018.06.014 铌硅基高温合金定向凝固铸造温度场模拟计算 Temperature field simulation in directional solidification casting of NbSi based alloys 工程科学学报.优先发表 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.10.02.001 结晶器旋转数值模拟及对高速钢电渣锭碳化物的影响 Numerical simulation of mold rotation and its effect on carbides in HSS ESR ingot 工程科学学报. 2020, 42(4): 516 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.07.07.001 基于多场耦合碳/碳复合材料传热及烧蚀响应研究 Study on heat transfer and ablation of carbon/carbon composites based on multi-field coupling 工程科学学报.优先发表 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2019.06.30.002 连铸坯脱氢退火数值模拟研究 Numerical Simulation of Dehydrogenation Annealing in Bloom 工程科学学报.优先发表 https://doi.org/10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2020.03.16.003
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