Why Trust for MANET? ◆ Node relationships in ◆ Properties of trust MANET relationships Care about a certain functions a Relativity a Can exist in each node pair a Pervasiveness Good or bad nodes Asymmetry a Information sharing ■ Transitivity a Based on past evidences a Measurability a Lack of enough information Uncertainty 12 May 29, 2009 CSE CUHK12 May 29, 2009 CSE CUHK Why Trust for MANET? ◆ Properties of trust relationships ◼ Relativity ◼ Pervasiveness ◼ Asymmetry ◼ Transitivity ◼ Measurability ◼ Uncertainty ◆ Node relationships in MANET ◼ Care about a certain functions ◼ Can exist in each node pair ◼ Good or bad nodes ◼ Information sharing ◼ Based on past evidences ◼ Lack of enough information
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