3.PN结的形成 ◆多子浓度差→多子扩散→杂质离子形成空间电荷区 Hole diffuse across the junction from p side to the n side Electron diffuse across the junction from n side to the p side. ◆空间电荷区形成内电场→阻多子扩散,利少子漂移 ←一内电场E P型半导体 空间电荷区 N型半导体 99. 扩散 扩散 漂移 漂移内电场E ◆多子浓度差多子扩散  杂质离子形成空间电荷区 ◆空间电荷区形成内电场  阻多子扩散,利少子漂移 3. PN结的形成 - - - - - - - + + - + + + + + - + P型半导体 - - + + N型半导体 + - + 扩散 扩散 - - - - - - - + + - + + + + + - + - - + + + - + 空间电荷区 漂移 漂移 - - - - - - - + + - + + + + + - + - - + + + - + Hole diffuse across the junction from p side to the n side. Electron diffuse across the junction from n side to the p side
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