PHASE OF A SOFTWARE PROJECT The basic software project development phases are Specify, Design, Code, Test, Maintain Specify -answer the question "what is the problem to be solved? The specification must be precise and complete For example the fir problem. what is the allowable round off error(precision), integer or floating point multiplication the range of input data and coefficients, How big is it allowed to be? Might it be negative? Is it more important to be fast or to be accurate?( depending on application) Specify may be called Analysis Phase PROGRAM MINGMETHDOLODGY AND SOFTWAREENGINEERING 港城市大 Copyrighto1998 Angus WuPROGRAMMING METHDOLODGY AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Copyright©1998 Angus Wu PHASE OF A SOFTWARE PROJECT The basic software project development phases are: Specify, Design, Code, Test, Maintain Specify - answer the question “what is the problem to be solved?” The specification must be precise and complete. For example, the FIR problem, what is the allowable round off error (precision), integer or floating point multiplication, the range of input data and coefficients, How big is it allowed to be? Might it be negative? Is it more important to be fast or to be accurate? (depending on application) Specify may be called ‘Analysis Phase’
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