4.—你假期打算做什么? 我计划去上海旅行 c -What will you do on your vacation? -I'm planning a trip to Shanghai. 5.我想知道它是不是和云南傣族的泼水节有些相似。 I wonder whether it's similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. 导航页导航页 4.——你假期打算做什么? ——我计划去上海旅行。 —What__________ you do__________ your vacation? —I’m__________ a trip__________ Shanghai. 5.我想知道它是不是和云南傣族的泼水节有些相似。 I wonder__________ it’s__________ the Water Festival of the Dai people__________ Yunnan Province. will on planning to whether similar to in
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