TABLE 1-1 NOBEL PRIZES FOR IMMUNOLOGIC RESEARCH Year Recipient Country Research 101 Emil von Behring Germany Serum antitoxins 1905 Robert Koch Germany Cellular immunity to tuberculosis 1908 Elie Metchnikoff Russia Role of phagocytosis (Metchnikoff)and Paul Ehrlich Germany antitoxins(Ehrlich)in immunity 1913 Charles Richet France Anaphylaxis 199 lules Bordet Belgium Complement-mediated bacteriolysis 1930 Karl Landsteiner United States Discovery of human blood groups 1951 Max Theiler South Africa Development of yellow fever vaccine 1957 Daniel Bovet Switzerland Antihistamines 1960 E Macfarlane Burnet Australia Discovery of acquired immunological Peter Medawar Great Britain tolerance 1972 Rodney R.Porter Great Britain Chemical structure of antibodies Gerald M.Edelman United States 1977 Rosalyn R.Yalow United States Development of radioimmunoassay 1980 George Snell United States Major histocompatibility complex lean Dausset France Barui Benacerraf United States 1984 Cesar Milstein Great Britain Monoclonal antibody Georges F.Kohler Germany Niels K.Jerne Denmark Immune regulatory theories 1987 Susumu Tonegawa Japan Gene rearrangement in antibody production 1991 E.Donnall Thomas United States Transplantation immunology loseph Murray United States 1996 Peter C.Doherty Australia The specificity of the cell-mediated Rolf M.Zinkemagel Switzerland immune response
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