法学和经济学定义 罗马法关于“所有权(ownership) the right to make physical use of physical objects - the right to income from it the power of management,including that alienation 法兰西《民法》关于所有权:“以法律所允许 的最独断的方式处理事物的权利”。 discretional power 普通法的不同处理(p78) There is no (ownership)box -There are merely various sets of interests. 6 法学和经济学定义 • 罗马法关于 “所有权(ownership)” – the right to make physical use of physical objects – the right to income from it – the power of management, including that alienation • 法兰西《民法》关于所有权:“以法律所允许 的最独断的方式处理事物的权利”。 ( discretional power) • 普通法的不同处理(p78.) – There is no (ownership) box. – There are merely various sets of interests
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