设雾 Hadley Cell Moisture effect* 器 =s(q)+D (), D-molecular and turbulent eddy diffusion through the boundaries s(g)-souce-sink term s(g)=e-c e the rate of evaporation per unit mass c the rate of condensation per unit mass Diabatic heating Q=QRAD +QLH+QB ea=-(岛 QB -diabatic heating due to boundary layer processes,i.e.sensible heat 授课教师:张洋13授课教师:张洋 s(q) - souce-sink term D - molecular and turbulent eddy di↵usion through the boundaries s(q) = e ￾ c e - the rate of evaporation per unit mass c - the rate of condensation per unit mass Diabatic heating Q = QRAD + QLH + QB QB - diabatic heating due to boundary layer processes, i.e. sensible heat QLH = ￾L ✓dq dt ◆ 13 Hadley Cell : Moisture effect* ✓d ln ✓ dt ◆ p = Q cpT ✓dq dt ◆ p = s(q) + D
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