(8)对高频振子(O→∞) 10.2响应谱求解控制 (1)输入 a)执行控制 SoL command selecting a transient solution(e. g, SOL 109) b)情况控制 XYPLOT SPECTRAL Compute spectra XYPUNCH SPECTRAL Punch spectra 如 XYPUNCH ACCELERATION SPECTRAL 1/1(T1RM) 该命令根据卡片DT, SPSEL的记录1,在结点1处xT)方向产生一组绝对加速度谱 数据模型 PARAM, RSPECTRA,0 Requests calculation of spectra DTL. SPSEL Correlates frequency and damping requests FREQ Used to specify frequencies and damping values(one FREQ set each (2) Example Input Sample Input PARAM RSPECTRA O $ s Tells MSC/NASTRAN to perform spectra creation $ S RECNO DAMP FREQ G1 G2 G3 G4 DTI SPSEL 1121234+SPSEL +SPSEL1 ENDREC s Tells the program that if RECNo 1 is selected by the XYPLOT command, s then DAMPing set 1 and FREQuency set 2 are to be used for GRIDs 1, 2, 3, and 4 (if requested) FREQ10..01.02 s This is the FREQ entry used by sPsel rEcNo 1 to specify damping ratios s to be used In this case, spectral will be generated for damping(8) 对高频振子 ( → ) 10.2 响应谱求解控制 (1) 输入 a) 执行控制 b) 情况控制 如: 该命令根据卡片 DT1,SPSEL 的记录 1, 在结点 1 处 x(T1)方向产生一组绝对加速度谱 c) 数据模型 (2) Example Input Sample Input PARAM RSPECTRA 0 $ $ Tells MSC/NASTRAN to perform spectra creation $ $ RECNO DAMP FREQ G1 G2 G3 G4 DTI SPSEL 1 1 2 1 2 3 4 +SPSEL1 +SPSEL1 ENDREC $ $ Tells the program that if RECNO 1 is selected by the XYPLOT command, $ then DAMPing set 1 and FREQuency set 2 are to be used for GRIDs 1, $ 2,3, and 4 (if requested) $ FREQ 1 0. .01 .02 $ $ This is the FREQ entry used by SPSEL RECNO 1 to specify damping ratios $ to be used. In this case, spectral will be generated for damping
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