Part IV Find the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A.(每题1分,总计10分) A 1.Thomas Hardy a.Wuthering Heights 2.Charlotte Bronte b.The Professor 3.Walter Scott c.The Solitary Reaper 4.John Keats d.Heart of Midlothian 5.Jane Austen e.Oliver Twist 6.William Wordsworth f.Ode on a Grecian Um 7.Lord Byron g.Jude the Obscure 8.George Eliot h.Northanger Abbey 9.Emily Bronte i.Don Juan 10.Charles Dickens j.Silas Marner Part V.Write down the names of the works from which the following fictional characters are taken(每题l分,总计l0分) 1.Angel Clare 6.Isabella Linton 2.Edgar Linton 7.Oliver Twist 3.Hetty Sorrel 8.Rebecca Sharp 4.Maggie Tulliver 9.Sophy 5.Mr.Rochester 10.Bingley Part VI Answer the following question.(每题6分,总计30分) 1.Why do people take Lyrical Ballads as a landmark in English poetry? 2.What are Dickens's viewpoints in his novels? 3.What does the west wind symbolize for in the poem Ode to the West Wind? 4.Comment briefly on the character Amelia Sedley in Vanity Fair: 5.Do you like Jane in the novel Jane Eyre?Why or why not? 第12页共12页第 12 页 共 12 页 Part IV Find the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. (每题 1 分,总计 10 分) A 1. Thomas Hardy 2. Charlotte Bronte 3. Walter Scott 4. John Keats 5. Jane Austen 6. William Wordsworth 7. Lord Byron 8. George Eliot 9. Emily Bronte 10. Charles Dickens B a. Wuthering Heights b. The Professor c. The Solitary Reaper d. Heart of Midlothian e. Oliver Twist f. Ode on a Grecian Urn g. Jude the Obscure h. Northanger Abbey i. Don Juan j. Silas Marner Part V. Write down the names of the works from which the following fictional characters are taken (每题 1 分,总计 10 分) 1. Angel Clare 2. Edgar Linton 3. Hetty Sorrel 4. Maggie Tulliver 5. Mr. Rochester 6. Isabella Linton 7. Oliver Twist 8. Rebecca Sharp 9. Sophy 10. Bingley Part VI Answer the following question. (每题 6 分,总计 30 分) 1.Why do people take Lyrical Ballads as a landmark in English poetry? 2.What are Dickens’s viewpoints in his novels? 3. What does the west wind symbolize for in the poem Ode to the West Wind? 4. Comment briefly on the character Amelia Sedley in Vanity Fair. 5. Do you like Jane in the novel Jane Eyre? Why or why not?
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